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Тэг «hed»

Главные темы

Labor reform: Emmanuel Macron receives the trade unions this Tuesday

   2017-05-23 09:00:25

This is the first major meeting of Emmanuel Macron with the social partners. The new President of ...
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Тэги: business, economics, hot, news

Zimbabwe: Elephant kills the big hunter

   2017-05-23 09:00:25

Zimbabwe Elephant kills whale hunters A South African big game hunter has paid his passion with ...
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Тэги: hot, hunting, news, panorama, zimbabwe

Hérault: four dead and two seriously injured in a road accident

   2017-05-23 07:00:41

A dramatic road accident occurred on Monday afternoon on the D 612 in the commune of Frontignan ( ...
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Тэги: accident, facts, herault, hot, news

Moralization of public life: Dosière’s proposals to the government

   2017-05-23 07:00:41

In a way, it delivers its political testament. Elected for the first time in 1988 and aged 75, ...
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Тэги: government, hot, news, opposition, politics

Italy: Over 50,000 boat fleets since the beginning of the year

   2017-05-23 07:00:41

Italy More than 50,000 boat pilots since the beginning of the year The number of people fleeing ...
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Тэги: foreigners, hot, news, politics, refugees

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