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Тэг «het»

Главные темы

South Africa: Deputy Minister of Education returns to the nightclub after being defeated

   2017-08-20 01:00:21

South Africa Vice-Minister of Education retires at the Nightclub after being defeated He had ...
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Тэги: abroad, africa, hot, news, politics, south

Spain’s intention to “destroy” the continuous terrorist group also eliminates unease

   2017-08-20 01:00:21

[Barcelona] Co-sponsored by Spanish sovereign Secretary Sodo in Spain’s Northeastern ...
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Тэги: hot, international, news, newspaper, tokyo

Attacks in Spain: Daech also claims the attack of Cambrils

   2017-08-19 23:00:20

After the attack on Thursday in Barcelona, ​​the Islamic State group also claimed the second ...
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Тэги: attack, barcelona, hot, miscellaneous, news

There are eight men in Finland and two dead

   2017-08-19 23:00:20

On the 18th, a rescue crew member (Reuters) stretching emergency at the scene of a stabbing ...
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Тэги: akbar, allah, hot, london, morita, news

Bayern to Berlin: severe weather damage

   2017-08-19 23:00:20

Bavaria to Berlin Severe weather damage is caused by severe weather Famous festivals, restricted ...
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Тэги: bavaria, hot, news, panorama, weather

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