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Тэг «het»

Главные темы

Appointed by the deputies LREM, François de Rugy en route to the perch

   2017-06-27 23:00:18

It should be no more than a formality. François de Rugy was chosen as candidate of the LREM group ...
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Тэги: government, hot, news, opposition, political

Dali’s remains, digging orders … to confirm the relationship between father and son

   2017-06-27 23:00:18

Dali (AFP current affairs)                                                                【Paris ...
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Тэги: abel, dali, hot, news, pilar, sakuda, salvador, takashi

Syria: activists report dozens of dead at attack on IS prison

   2017-06-27 23:00:18

Syria Activists report dozens of dead at attack on IS prison Dozens of people, according to ...
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Тэги: abroad, hot, news, politics, syria

LDCs: favorable opinion of the ethics committee for couples of women and single women

   2017-06-27 21:00:45

The opinion of the ethics committee had been awaited for five years. On Tuesday, he expressed ...
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Тэги: company, fertility, hot, ldcs, news

Neonicotinoids: the bees, first pass of arms in the government between Travert and Hulot

   2017-06-26 21:00:23

The confirmation by the Minister of Agriculture that he is in favor of a relaxation of the law on ...
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Тэги: hot, hulot, news, nicolas, politics, stephane, travert

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