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Тэг «het»

Главные темы

First couac government on the return of pesticides killers of bees

   2017-06-26 21:00:23

Just before the government, the new Minister of Agriculture Stéphane Travert is at the origin of ...
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Тэги: government, hot, news, opposition, political

China’s Sichuan landslide, the United Nations Secretary-General expressed his condolences

   2017-06-26 21:00:23

【New York: Hashimoto Junya】 UN Secretary General Guterre said on Monday that it would “ ...
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Тэги: guterez, hashimoto, hot, junya, news

Satellite image of the week: burns

   2017-06-26 19:00:19

Satellite image of the week burns At least 64 people died in severe forest fires in Portugal. ...
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Тэги: hot, image, nature, news, satellite, science, week

Embellished on employment: more than 200,000 jobs will be created in 2017

   2017-06-26 17:00:19

Find jobs in this company with over 10,000 job offers                  DATE OF THE DAY. The first ...
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Тэги: employment, francois, hollande, hot, news

The German Social Democratic Party, the Convention carried out a large tax cuts … the party power to restore as the goal

   2017-06-26 17:00:19

【Berlin = Kaoru Iguchi】 German middle-left leftist, the Social Democratic Party (SPD), held a ...
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Тэги: hot, iguchi, kaoru, merkel, news, schulz

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