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Тэг «het»

Главные темы

Confirmation of Saudi New Crown Prince of US President Barack Obama, a cooperative approach

   2017-06-22 17:00:21

WASHINGTON (Kurosimi Shuhei) President Trumppe made a telephone conversation with Saudi Arabian ...
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Тэги: card, games, hot, kuromi, muhammad, news, shuhei

Europe: Brexit threatens thousands of jobs in the German car industry

   2017-06-22 17:00:21

Europe Brexit threatens thousands of jobs in the German auto industry How hard does the Brexit ...
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Тэги: brexit, businesses, economy, hot, markets, news

North of the big pressure “China push” … US Secretary of State

   2017-06-22 13:00:18

WASHINGTON – Keiichiro Oki, Seiichi Oki The first meeting of “Diplomacy and Security ...
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Тэги: higashi, hot, keiichiro, news, oki, sei, tillson

Violence wave: Mexico’s death toll rises to historic high

   2017-06-22 13:00:18

wave of violence Death rates in Mexico rise to historic high Violence is part of everyday life in ...
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Тэги: hot, justice, mexico, news, panorama

US Secretary of State, China’s sanctions to strengthen the deterrence of North Korea “responsibility”

   2017-06-22 13:00:18

WASHINGTON – The two governments held the first ‘diplomacy and security dialogue&# ...
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Тэги: hot, international, news, newspaper, tokyo

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