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Тэг «het»

Главные темы

Emmanuel Macron to receive Vladimir Putin at Versailles

   2017-05-23 05:00:45

A place full of history for a meeting at the summit. Emmanuel Macron will receive on Monday, May ...
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Тэги: affairs, foreign, hot, international, news

Chemical founding in the Lower Rhine: Prosecutor’s office determined for possible attack

   2017-05-23 05:00:45

Chemical finds on the Lower Rhine Prosecutor identified due to possible attack In the search for ...
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Тэги: germany, hot, news, north, politics, rhine-westphalia

Mr. Poker, Israel to visit … Middle East peace intermediary

   2017-05-23 03:00:16

President of the United States of America (the second from the left) and others (AP) visiting ...
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Тэги: above, card, games, hiroshi, hot, netanyahu, news

Students complain: trainee lack? We do not find any training places

   2017-05-23 03:00:16

Students complain Trainee deficiency? We do not find any training places Anyone who does not find ...
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Тэги: bremen, hot, learning, life, news, school

Paris: Attempted turning at the Louis Vuitton store in the Champs-Elysées

   2017-05-23 01:00:21

A robber made use of his weapon to escape after attempting to seize several bags. An attempt at ...
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Тэги: champs, elysees, hot, news, paris, turning, viii

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