«Цветочные» парады стремительно шагают по планете, удивляя разнообразием форм, красок и запахов! В опубликованном ранее флористическом дайджесте мы уже писали о таких фестивалях, как Bloemencorso, Jersey Battle of Flowers, Spalding Flower Parade, сегодня речь пойдет об
итальянских, бельгийских и испанских карнавалах!
URL записи
В больших XSD иногда возникает проблема наглядности или читаемости схемы. Изобилие дополнительных ...
... launched our Posterous
and I never ...
It’s been just over two years since we first launched our Posterous importer and I never could have predicted how the blogging space would evolve so quickly in that time. As you may have seen in the news today, the Posterous team is joining Twitter, which we know will be exciting for our friends at [...]
... easier way to
your content, so ...
We’ve recently noticed that a fair number of you have been bringing your tumblelogs over from Tumblr to WordPress.com using one of the variety of Tumblr to WXR conversion tools which exist on the web. We thought you would appreciate an easier way to import your content, so we bring you 3 easy steps to [...]
... added a Splinder
to WordPress.com ...
Italian blogging service Splinder.com is closing down at the end of this month, and we’d like to extend a hearty “Benvenuto” to any Splinder users who’re looking for a new blogging home. To help make migration easier, we’ve added a Splinder importer to WordPress.com. If you’d like to make the move, please go ahead and [...]