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Тэг «indians»

Главные темы

How They Do It – Part 1 (#5 is absolutely insane)

   2014-10-30 20:00:19
We often take the most simple of things for granted, thinking everyone will do it as we do. We ...
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Тэги: beer, extreme, funny, hilarious, indians, japan, russians, selfies, videos, wtf, zimbabwe

Other myths about animals

   2013-05-26 01:05:39
The Algonquin Indians have an interesting ...
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Тэги: aborigine, algonquin, animal, article, aspect, create, creator, earth, fish, heaven, important, indians, interesting, legend, life, myths, new, nice, tu-matauengi, very, weasel, zealand

Legends in which animals are the creators of the world

   2013-04-28 14:21:42
There are quite a few legends, however, where animals and not birds were instrumental in the world ...
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Тэги: article, chipmunk, chu-tlok-chu, create, creek, dog, dyabdyar, evenki, fantastic, great, indians, island, kangaroo, legend, mammoth, nokozi, piece, raccoon, serpent, vytko, world

Totemism today

   2013-01-27 20:19:22
Be that as it may, there can be no doubt that primitive people considered the animals to be their ...
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Тэги: aborigine, accident, american, ancient, article, australia, australian, belief, believe, boa, congo, constrictor, crocodile, elephant, europe, fact, indians, lizard, matter, proof, snake, spirit, stage, turkey-cock


   2012-11-30 13:24:41
... bear hunt, the Indians fasted for many ...
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Тэги: article, belief, children, clan, folk, fox, indians, meat, ojibwa, old, pipe, raven, serpent, totem, totemism, wolf, wolve, women, word

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