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Тэг «inspired»

Главные темы

5 Examples Of Game Design On The iOS

   2012-06-19 12:48:34
The iPad changed a approach we perspective mobile technology, as well as a diversion pattern of a ...
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Тэги: angry, bird, capability, design, game, graphic, inspiration, ipad, play, screen, size, touch

Freebie: Academic Icon Set (10 Icons + PSD Source)

   2012-06-18 14:23:13
Today, it is the wish to benefaction to you the giveaway set of icons associated to preparation as ...
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Тэги: artem, attribute, borysenko, common, complete, creative, design, free, freebies, icon, inspiration, magazine, reader, set, smashing

40 Beautifully Designed Mobile Apps With Excellent UI Experience in Mind

   2012-06-18 12:20:26
With so most apps being expelled in such a reduced duration of time, designers need to unequivocally ...
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Тэги: apps, design, inspiration, iphone, mobile

40 Fresh and Colorful Patterns to Spice Up Your Designs: 2012 Edition

   2012-06-18 12:20:21
Patterns have been everywhere around us. In art, patterns have been an critical middle of expression ...
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Тэги: design, edition, flower, freebies, geometric, heart, inspiration, light, pattern, plaid, seamless, subtle, tartan

40 Superheroes Artworks

   2012-06-15 16:25:53
We love superheroes, so I have created a small selection of 40 Superheroes Artworks here for you! ...
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Тэги: ahmad, amazing, design, hulk, incredible, inspiration, kushha, spiderman, superheroes, wallpaper

Страницы: ... 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 ... 


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