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Тэг «interne»

Главные темы

Manchester bombing: on top alert, British police search for a ‘network’

   2017-05-25 21:01:14

Special Envoy in Manchester Under exceptional circumstances, extraordinary measures. The change ...
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Тэги: affairs, foreign, hot, international, news

Manchester bombing: the poignant despair of the relatives of the victims

   2017-05-25 19:00:47

Special sent to Manchester The names fell one by one. Gradually Wednesday, the fatal list of ...
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Тэги: affairs, foreign, hot, international, news

NATO summit: in Brussels, an exceptional security device

   2017-05-25 17:00:28

Several thousand police officers are mobilized to ensure the security of the 29 heads of state ...
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Тэги: hot, international, nato, news, summit

US, Guam transfer plan to re-study the North Korean missile development

   2017-05-25 15:00:17

WASHINGTON – Neller US Marine Corps commander is planning to review the Guam relocation ...
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Тэги: hot, international, news, newspaper, tokyo

The US military in the South China Sea sailing free combat … in the current regime for the first time

   2017-05-25 13:00:17

WASHINGTON, August 14 (Xinhua) – US military destroyers destroyed missile destroyers on the ...
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Тэги: dewey, hot, international, law, news, st.

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