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Тэг «interweb»

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[Новый альбом Tokio Hotel будет записан только на английском]

   2011-05-16 21:50:44

После успешного диска Humanoid(2009) немецкая поп-рок ...
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Тэги: article, interview

[RollingStone.es: Видео: музыканты, нападавшие на своих фанатов]

   2011-05-16 00:35:33


Том Каулитц(Tokio Hotel): ...
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Тэги: article, interview

[eurosmi.ru: Охлобыстин познакомит дочерей с группой Tokio Hotel]

   2011-05-14 22:05:04

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Тэги: article, interview

Designer Round Table (Audio)

   2011-05-14 17:00:25

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It’s not often that designers get to share their thoughts with other designers outside of an academic setting. Not too long ago our friends Anthony Harmon, Stephen Walker, Jennifer Cirpici, and Maebh Costello sat down to discuss their experiences within the design industry. They fielded a series of questions from Twitter users and recorded their discussion; shedding light on subjects including the best career advice they’ve received, where they draw their inspiration, their greatest personal and professional challenges, and less serious topics like their favorite films and whether being attractive helps build your career. This 40-minute discussion was the first time any of them had spoken to one another, but their mutual love for art and design made the conversation sound like they were old friends. Sit back, relax, and get a glimpse into the minds of these four up and coming creatives.

Тэги: audio, inspiration, interview, podcast

[Bravo #20-11 (Германия)]

   2011-05-12 21:33:28

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Тэги: article, interview, magazine, newspaper

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