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Тэг «island»

Главные темы

These 10 World Famous Attractions Turn Out to Be a Total Disappointment for Tourists

   2015-01-06 01:30:39
Social networking site Reddit is known as a great platform allowing for the expression of one’ ...
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Тэги: angeles, attractions, bali, dubai, egypt, france, giza, indonesia, island, jamaica, letdowns, los, maldives, male, paris, pyramids, sentosa, singapore, stonehenge, uae, usa, visited

The Reverse Aquarium: At Manta Resort’s Underwater Room the Fish Watch You Sleep

   2014-12-18 21:50:13
The underwater hotel room in the Manta Resort is 13 feet (4 m) under the India Ocean giving a 360- ...
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Тэги: all-inclusive, beach, beautiful, best, cool, experience, holidays, hotel, hotels, indian, island, islands, manta, ocean, pemba, remote, resort, resorts, rooms, tanzania, things, underwater, unusual

Watch Iceland’s Northern Lights in an Unusual Way By Floating in the Hot Secret Lagoon

   2014-12-16 23:55:53
Floating Tours in Iceland offer a cool Northern Lights experience where your body floats in a warm ...
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Тэги: attractions, aurora, borealis, experience, iceland, lagoon, lights, northern, reykjavik, secret, things, tours, unusual

5 Totally Odd Things You Didn’t Know You Could See and Do in the Philippines

   2014-12-14 19:50:23
... gorgeous group of islands. But there’re ...
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Тэги: attractions, balut, banaue, beautiful, calauit, coffins, cordilleras, foods, hanging, island, jeepneys, kabayan, landscapes, luzon, mummies, odd, palawan, park, philippines, places, rice, safari, tamilok, terraces, things, unusual, weird

Take Dining to New Heights in the World’s Largest Roller Coaster Restaurant in Abu Dhabi

   2014-12-08 15:42:34
There’s always something rather innovative in the food industry appearing out of nowhere. We ...
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Тэги: abu, arab, bars, coasters, cool, dhabi, emirates, hi-tech, island, mall, restaurant, restaurants, rogo's, roller, rollercoaster, rollercoaster-themed, uae, united, unusual, yas

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