Long time not see, honeys ( I'm not sure can I use plural of the word "honey", so tell me please if this is a mistake, ok? ).
Anyway, I'm glad to tell you some news.
It seems my life becomes routine, but I don't care about it. It's usual as so as I'm studying at university, and I have a lot of lessons and homework. Studying Japanese language isn't so easy. I've no free time anymore, so I'm often made my scetches at night. But I finished drawing a print for my
bro's T-shirt, hope to make this T-shirt soon. And I need to finish other prints.
Not long time ago I was at

The House of Foreign Books

- the bookstore with books in foreign languages. I was searching for books about Japan or it's culture, but found only the books about japanese art. And of course many biography books about rock bands. I want to buy them all as so as I'd like to know more about the bands I like to listen to.
Also I've found some quite good books abot fashion design and fashion history. Pleeeease, somebody, buy its all for me!*crying*. I want to start to read some kinds of literature in English or French - it's a good practic for my bad skills.
And there are books about the rock bands~
Today I was preparing for the spetial party and...I found my mom's little blak dress that she gave me. It looks so nice on me. Tryin something like agejo style and feel like a sexy lady, lol.
Some time ago I had a fetish for the skinny legs and wanted to make my legs thinner, but my friend said my legs are ideal.
As so as two days of my summer holidays I spent with Deksu playing Minecraft, this game brings back fond memories of these moments. So I made a paper creeper and called it
クリーパーくん (




- jap.ver.of


). I think this game character is soooo cute, really xD So now this is my paper pet.
Autumn is here. Now it's too cold in Moscow, so I can't dress as usual now.
I need something warm in hime style, but I haven't any idea how to make it with my clothes. I have a long dark blue coat. Maybe I can buy some black laces and decorate my coat? Have somebody an idea? Help me, please.
My last "warm autumn"coordination. I'll be missing sunny days...