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Official: Blast from the past: Volvo LCP 2000, Light Component Project offered 60 mpg in 1983 2013-06-08 03:01:00
Filed under: Diesel, Emerging Technologies, Volvo
Trips down green car memory lane are always fun, ...
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Filed under: Diesel, Emerging Technologies, Volvo
Trips down green car memory lane are always fun, both because we learn something about the past and because all the things that have been tried before illuminate all the things that are being tried now...
Тэги: categorized, diesel, emerging, lightweight, mpg, technology, volvo
Official: Epic EV delivers first Torq Roadster to former Tesla exec 2013-04-12 16:57:00
Filed under: EV/Plug-in, Lightweight, USA
Finally, success! Chris Anthony has been trying to launch ...
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Filed under: EV/Plug-in, Lightweight, USA
Finally, success! Chris Anthony has been trying to launch a three-wheeled electric vehicle for years now - first, with the ill-fated Aptera Motors, which he co-founded, and now with his own Epic EV. Last Satur...
Тэги: categorized, ev/plug-in, lightweight, usa
Промышленный дизайн: Взвесьте мне немного света! Креативный ночник Light=Weight от Junji Kawabe 2013-03-22 13:17:27
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Бытует мнение, что на самом деле это не так, но тем не менее, все в мире имеет свою цену и свой вес. Вот только цена не всегда указана в деньгах, а вес не обязательно считать в килограммах. Как дорого ценится хорошее отношение и чего стоит признать свою ошибку? Насколько тяжелым может быть горе, способное сломать или раздавить человека? И сколько, в конце концов, весит луч света? Вопросов море, но ответить пока что можно только на один из них. Дизайнер Junji Kawabe придумал специальную лампу-весы Light=Weight, способную "отвешивать" определенное количество света.
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Тэги: junji, kawabe, lightweight, дизайн, концепт, лампа, светильник
Epic EV throwing a Torq launch party with free rides 2013-03-21 16:56:00
Filed under: EV/Plug-in, Lightweight, USA
The journey of the Torq roadster from Epic EV has been ...
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Filed under: EV/Plug-in, Lightweight, USA
The journey of the Torq roadster from Epic EV has been pretty low key for a three-wheeled bullhorn of a car that screams, "LOOK AT ME!!!" with its volume stuck at 11. There hasn't been a flood of press release...
Тэги: categorized, ev/plug-in, lightweight, usa
Official: GM CEO Akerson confirms 200-mile EV in the works, says death of the V8 “greatly exaggerated” 2013-03-08 04:02:00
Filed under: EV/Plug-in, Hybrid, Manufacturing/Plants, MPG, Chevrolet, GM, Lightweight
General ...
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Filed under: EV/Plug-in, Hybrid, Manufacturing/Plants, MPG, Chevrolet, GM, Lightweight
General Motors isn't talking about how far the 2014 Chevrolet Spark EV can go before it needs a charge, but par for the course for today's electric vehicles i2 arou...
Тэги: categorized, chevrolet, ev/plug-in, hybrid, lightweight, manufacture, mpg
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