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Тэг «longreads»

Главные темы

Five Engaging Longreads Stories You Might Have Missed

   2016-03-07 19:21:50
Looking for something to read? Here are some must-read original essays, book excerpts, and reporting ...
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Тэги: longreads, reading

Jenny Diski on Writing, Love, and Cancer

   2015-06-17 17:07:31
The author and essayist reflects on a terminal cancer diagnosis, and all of the conflicted feelings ...
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Тэги: author, books, cancer, diski, essays, freshly, jenny, london, longreads, magazine, memoir, new, pressed, review, times, wordpress.com, writer, writing, york

Longreads’ Best of WordPress, Vol. 10

   2015-02-11 22:45:06
Seven great interviews from across all of WordPress, featuring Drunk Austen, Guernica, Rookie, and ...
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Тэги: best, community, guernica, harper's, interview, longreads, read, rookie, splitsider, wordpress

Longreads’ Best of WordPress, Vol. 10

   2015-02-11 22:45:06
Seven great interviews from across all of WordPress, featuring Drunk Austen, Guernica, Rookie, and ...
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Тэги: best, community, guernica, harper's, interview, longreads, read, reading, rookie, splitsider, wordpress, wordpress.com

Longreads’ Best of WordPress, Vol. 9

   2014-12-12 20:42:14
Five great stories from across all of WordPress, featuring Grantland, Marketplace, and more. + развернуть текст   сохранённая копия

Тэги: adult, best, bird, boogie, community, grantland, howie, indianapolis, jake, jia, kahn, larry, longreads, magazine, mark, marketplace, monthly, nights, reading, threadgould, tolentino, wahlberg, wordpress, wordpress.com

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