Tags: autodesk, maya, plugins
Autodesk released updated set of additional tools and scripts called Bonus Tools for Maya 2012.
Also Allegorithmic company made available for public download their Substance Bonus Tools for Maya 2012 - set of 25 additional materials and scripts for Substance Procedural Textures plugin, which is integrated into Maya 2012.
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Tags: autodesk, maya
Autodesk company continues " glorious" tradition of Maya 2011 that had five (!) updates during it's life cycle, including three hotfix releases, one Service Pack and Subscription Advantage Pack, and after just 3 weeks from initial release Hotfix 1 for Maya 2012 is out. This update is relatively small and provides just few new features and bug fixes. It seems to be a sin to complain, but I personally prefer strong initial releases, not many updates.
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Tags: autodesk, maya, mental ray, plugins
Probably, one of the most common question about Maya is this one: - Where is my mental ray?! Any Maya user faced this problem at least once, and beginner 3D Artist is easy to be confused with this. He look in Render Settings menu and there is no any sign of mr anymore. So - what to do for bring it back and why mental ray disappears so sudden anyway? Read the answer next.
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Наивно думать, что у реальности есть только один слой – видимый нам. Так думают только те люди, которые боятся смотреть за рамки общепринятого. Человек же с фантазией и с творческим видением мира будет видеть многослойную реальность даже в обычной стене дома. Пример тому – творчество словенского художника
Михи Артнака (Miha Artnak), а именно, серия его работ с называнием
«Layers» («Слои»).

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