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Тэг «mma»

Главные темы

Brain tumor: New inhibitor may fight glioblastoma expansion

   2017-07-25 15:33:35

New research has identified a key mechanism that allows cancerous growths to proliferate, or ...
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Тэги: advice, diseases, doctor, man, woman

Rounded shoulders: Ways to fix ‘mom posture’

   2017-07-25 15:32:20

The term rounded shoulders is used to describe a resting shoulder position that has moved forward ...
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Тэги: advice, diseases, doctor, man, woman

Alzheimer’s: New brain cell loss mechanism uncovered

   2017-07-25 15:31:04

A new study may change current therapeutic approaches for Alzheimer’s disease, as ...
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Тэги: advice, diseases, doctor, man, woman

Enterocolitis: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

   2017-07-25 15:29:51

Enterocolitis is a cause of inflammation in the digestive tract. The disorder specifically ...
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Тэги: advice, diseases, doctor, man, news, woman

Chordee: Definition, surgery, and repair

   2017-07-25 15:28:14

Chordee is a condition where bands of tissue pull on the penis, making it appear bent or curved. ...
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Тэги: advice, diseases, doctor, man, news

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