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Тэг «naja»

Главные темы

Gerhard Schröder at SPD party congress: “The euro crisis is also on the account of Merkel and Schäuble”

   2017-06-25 21:00:44

Gerhard Schröder at the SPD party congress “The euro crisis is also on the account of ...
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Тэги: germany, hot, news, politics, spd

INFOGRAPHICS. LREM MPs: more young people, more women and … more elites

   2017-06-25 19:00:32

The promise of feminization of the Macronist party is held. On the renewal side, the lines also ...
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Тэги: hot, news, party, politics, socialist

Popularity: Emmanuel Macron does better than François Hollande at the beginning of his mandate

   2017-06-25 19:00:32

Sixty-four percent of French people are satisfied with Emmanuel Macron (+ 2% compared with May ...
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Тэги: hot, news, political, politics, topicality

Election election management committee, opposition party ナ ワ contract Tahiti air’s presidential election election does not recognize

   2017-06-25 19:00:32

[Moscow = Hanada Yoshio] On the 23rd, Russia’s Central Chiefsman led a demonstration ...
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Тэги: alexei, hanada, hot, nawalini, news, putin, yoshio

50 лучших наборов стикеров для Telegram

   2017-06-25 18:00:49
Картинки, приклепляемые к сообщению в Telegram, помогают внести оживление в беседу, но быстро ...
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Тэги: apple, iphone, mac, yablyk-news, инструкции,, компьютера, новости, обзоры, программы, секреты, советы

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