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Тэг «naja»

Главные темы

Mr. Depp, humorous killing apology presidential implied?

   2017-06-24 11:00:20

[Los Angeles co-wrote] Johnny Depp (54), a popular actor in the US, is a music event held in the ...
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Тэги: hot, international, news, newspaper, tokyo

Death of Rémi Fraisse in Sivens: the prosecutor of Toulouse requires a dismissal

   2017-06-24 09:00:46

The 21-year-old had been killed by an offensive grenade by a mobile gendarme at a demonstration ...
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Тэги: facts, fraisse, hot, news, remi, sivens, various

Emmanuel Macron wants a ten-year pact with Berlin

   2017-06-24 09:00:46

Correspondent in Brussels Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel have not yet explained how they will ...
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Тэги: affairs, foreign, hot, international, news

The European Parliament has made it possible to “recast MoDem employees”, recognizes Bayrou

   2017-06-23 19:00:48

In an interview with “Southwest”, the former Keeper of the Seals ensures that at the ...
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Тэги: bayrou, francois, hot, modem, news, politics

Lourdes for the jihadist cell Cannes-Torcy

   2017-06-23 19:00:48

After two months of trial, the Special Court of Assize delivered its verdict on Thursday in the ...
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Тэги: company, france, hot, news

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