Filed under: EV/Plug-in, Hybrid, Videos
In May 2011, Nissan and Renault took the idea of gas- ...
Filed under: EV/Plug-in, Hybrid, Videos
In May 2011, Nissan and Renault took the idea of gas-powered everything and ran with it in a moderately funny commercial for the Leaf EV that poked fun at the idea of using gasoline to power our everyday electro...

Искусство оригами уходит своими корнями в глубокую древность, однако остается популярным и по сей день. Это подтверждает Nguyen Hung Cuong - мастер оригами. Его бумажные фигурки - настоящие шедевры.
URL записи
В рамках мероприятия прошедшего в Мумбаи, компания Nissan провела официальную презентацию своего ...
Filed under: EV/Plug-in, Nissan, Asia
Nissan figures there's a marked for the Nissan Leaf in ...
Filed under: EV/Plug-in, Nissan, Asia
Nissan figures there's a marked for the Nissan Leaf in Thailand. Or, at the very least, a chance to test the world's most popular passenger electric car in Bangkok. The global automaker has signed a memorandum of ...