Активировать новый смартфон или планшет Apple очень легко… а теперь будет ещё легче! Ведь в iOS 11 ...
Запуск космического телескопа «Джеймса Уэбба» (JWST), который должен будет занять место ...
Новая операционная система для «яблочных» гаджетов iOS 11, которая станет доступной широкой публике ...
Nasa Space Telescope “Kepler” discovered ten other Earth-like planets Nasa is pleased with the discovery of a total of 219 more exoplanets. Ten of them are almost as large as the earth and might provide the conditions for life. AP / NASA / JPL-CALTECH / T. PYLE Artistic representation of the planet Kepler-452b (archive image) […]
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【Brussels co-operation】 Britain and the European Union (EU) European Commission will negotiate for the first time negotiations on withdrawal, such as clearing out British unpaid contributions and protecting the rights of citizens on the 19th, the second stage Agreed to enter discussions such as future trade relations. Negotiations will be held once a month for […]
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