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Disaster in Colombia: leisure ship sinks – several dead, some missing 2017-06-26 11:00:15
Misfortune in Colombia Leisure ship sinks – several dead, some missing Within 15 minutes a ...
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Misfortune in Colombia Leisure ship sinks – several dead, some missing Within 15 minutes a leisure ship has sunk on a popular reservoir in Colombia. At least nine people died, almost 30 more passengers were still missing. Louisa Murphy / via REUTERS Shipwreck in Colombia Monday, June 26, 2017 & nbsp; 1:59 am To press […]
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Тэги: columbia, hot, news, panorama, shipwreck
Strengthened priority education networks will have 2,500 more teachers at the start of the school year 2017-06-26 09:00:54
The Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, announced the recruitment of 2,500 teachers for ...
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The Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, announced the recruitment of 2,500 teachers for preparatory courses in the priority education networks. National Education Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer said 2,200 classes of preparatory courses in the networks of reinforced priority education (REP +) created in the coming autumn will be abounded by a recruitment of 2,500 teachers, in […]
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Тэги: blanquer, course, hot, jean-michel, news, preparatory, society
Форекс-прогноз по EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY и USDCHF на 26 – 30 июня 2017г. 2017-06-26 07:53:00
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Для начала несколько слов о прогнозе на предыдущую неделю. Приближается отпускной сезон, и, возможно, поэтому сколько-нибудь значимых экономических событий становится все меньше и меньше. Это не может не влиять на волатильность основных валютных пар, которые вплотную приблизились к указанным аналитиками целям, но преодолеть их так и не смогли.
– Так, на минувшей неделе максимальный диапазон колебаний EUR/USD с трудом превысил 90 пунктов. Напомним, что 75% наших экспертов предполагали, что пара должна спуститься до поддержки 1.1100. С учетом стандартного люфта, так и произошло – минимум недели был зафиксирован на уровне 1.1118. Однако, затем силы медведей иссякли, и быки вернули пару туда же, откуда она стартовала в начале пятидневки...
Тэги: analysis, market, news
Assembly: Marielle de Sarnez not candidate for the presidency of the MoDem group 2017-06-25 21:00:44
Marielle de Sarnez said she had had difficult days in recent weeks. She said on Sunday that she ...
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Marielle de Sarnez said she had had difficult days in recent weeks. She said on Sunday that she would not be a candidate for the president of the MoDem group in the Assembly. After being exfiltered this week from the government, with lenity and without kicks, Marielle de Sarnez returns to the Assembly. But the […]
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Тэги: hot, marielle, modem, news, politics, sarnez
China debris flow, the dead 24 people, 93 people unknown … search difficult to progress 2017-06-25 21:00:44
On December 25, a debris flow occurred in Sichuan Province of China, an emergency crew member and ...
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On December 25, a debris flow occurred in Sichuan Province of China, an emergency crew member and a search dog (AP) A search activity (AP) conducted by introducing heavy machinery at a debris flow occurred in Sichuan Province, China on 25th, 【Shanghai = Akiko Yoshinaga】 On December 24, […]
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Тэги: daily, hot, kyrgyzstan, news, people's, shanghai, yiyi
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