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Тэг «nozhi»

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Bråvalla: Swedish music festival canceled due to rape

   2017-07-05 01:00:18

Bravalla Swedish music festival canceled due to rape The series of sexual assaults at Swedish ...
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Тэги: hot, justice, news, panorama, sweden

Medef boss puts pressure on Prime Minister before his grand oral

   2017-07-04 23:00:18

Find jobs in this company with over 10,000 job offers                  A few hours after the ...
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Тэги: economy, france, gattaz, hot, news, pierre

Globalization in Germany: Good for cars, bad for shoes

   2017-07-04 23:00:18

Globalization in Germany Good for cars, bad for shoes Does globalization benefit or harm? The G20 ...
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Тэги: affairs, economy, g20, hamburg, hot, news, social, state, summit

Grégory case: a puzzle difficult to reconstruct

   2017-07-04 21:00:15

After more than 32 years of investigation, recent twists have revived the Grégory affair. But ...
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Тэги: facts, gregory, hot, jacob, jacqueline, news

Disaster of Duisburg: Love parade process begins on December 8th

   2017-07-04 21:00:15

Disaster of Duisburg Love Parade process begins on December 8th At the Love Parade in Duisburg ...
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Тэги: 2010, hot, justice, love, news, panorama, parade

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