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WASHINGTON – Yuya Ozeki Democratic lawmakers who express boycotts to Mr. Trump ‘s inauguration ceremony are one after another. In the case of It shows intention to protest against Mr. Trump ‘s behavior over racial conflict, and protest demonstrations of racial minorities are planned on all over the nation […]
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President Obama speaks in Chicago on the 10th (AFP current affair) WASHINGTON – Yousuke Ozeki President Obama who will retire on the 20 th of this month made the last speech in Chicago, the term of the second term and eight years, on October 10. Focusing on the […]
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WASHINGTON (AFX) – US officials said on Wednesday that Russia was involved in a problem called to interfere with the presidential election due to cyber attacks, spreading out 35 foreign Russian intelligence workers in the United States Announced retaliatory measures. In the case of Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov suggested […]
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WASHINGTON (Reuters) – US President Obama said in an interview with CNN on Wednesday that he was confident that if he was running for the presidential election last month, he is confident that he could win the next trump presidential election, I exhilared my heart. In the case of […]
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