2011-06-14 17:00:21
... of the designer painting actress Scarlett ... to start digitally painting themselves, this detailed ...
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Speed painting is the act of recording of an artist’s screen while they paint a scene. The recording is then sped up so that you can see the piece come together much more quickly. In this round up we have gathered some of the most impressive speed painting videos that we have seen that include paintings of well-known subjects including Scarlett Johansson, Megan Fox, and Iron Man. Take a look at them below and be amazed at how these talented artists produce these fantastic pieces of art.
Avatar Speed Painting by Mike Gore
Our first video features a speed painting of one of the most popular movies ever created, Avatar. The final product which can be seen here shows off the amazing result of 12 hours of work. The specs for this piece are posted in the video description so look it over if you are interested.
Scarlett Johansson Speed Painting by Nico Di Mattia
Our next speed painting video gives us some rather attractive visuals of the designer painting actress Scarlett Johansson. The artist
didn’t go for extreme realism on this painting but the result is still extremely accurate and amazing to see put together in such a short period of time.
Sea Monster Speed Painting
It’s hard to believe the artist who created this painting said its only a doodle, but this is probably one of the most detailed paintings in this set. The ferocious sea monster is put together in only 4 quick minutes and the result looks simply phenomenal.
Iron Man Speed Painting
This speed painting video gives us a dual shot while the designer is painting away, we can see the stock photograph of Iron man that the designer is painting from. This is very cool since we can now see how much artistic freedom was taken with the final product and you can see the artist
definitely put his own spin on how this one was painted.
Toy Story 3 Speed Painting by Nico Di Mattia
If you got a look at the finished product first before viewing the video it would be hard to tell that this wasn’t a screenshot from the movie,
that’s how good this painting looks. Everyone should check this one out for the sheer talent that this guy has.
Undead Speed Painting by Rune Bodker
Only done in an hour and a half this creepy speed painting of a zombie is nothing but awesome, the only
criticism that comes to mind is that the body isn’t as detailed as the face is but we cant really nitpick when the result still looks this good.
Kanye West Speed Painting by Williams Shamir
Kanye West gets the speed painting treatment here and the result is extremely impressive, put together in around 6 hours this designer used a nice brush touch to give this painting a smooth as well as realistic look.
Megan Fox Speed Painting by Stephanie Valentin
Megan Fox is the next celeb in this list to get painted and 6 hours worth of work culminate in another fantastic product. This almost 6 minute video zooms in on specific areas of the painting for the viewer to get a better look at the techniques used to create this.
M.I.A. Speed Painting by Salena
This off color painting features some colorful and vibrant visuals of singer M.I.A. The impressive part about it is how a whole different color
palette was used for this painting yet all of the shading and coloring still looks on point, watch this one to see some great painting techniques used.
Mechanical T-Rex Speed Painting by Chris Scalf
The thought of a mechanical dinosaur is already awesome but when you combine the idea with a talented artist who can draw it into reality makes for a mind explosion. This very cool painting was done in 3 and a half hours and although it lacks detailed coloring it still features an incredibly detailed scene.
Travis Barker Speed Painting by Sean McCoy
All the crazy tattoo art on Travis Barker make for a really fun and interesting speed painting to watch. The way this painter goes about realistically painting all of Barkers heavy
tattoo’s is incredible and the final product does not shy away from looking like a photo.
Indiana Jones Speed Painting by S. Maguire
This painter’s childhood hero and most likely many other peoples hero as well gets the speed painting treatment in this video. All of these videos including this one are instrumental and educational for artists who are looking to start digitally painting themselves, this detailed shot of Mr. Ford is a great example of something you should strive for.
Terminator Caricature Speed Painting by Nico Di Mattia
Nico Di Mattia switches gears for a second and goes towards something a little more comical and less realistic, painting the terminator in caricature form. There is not much difference in the technique used but the final product
definitely bares a resemblance to Arnold in his former role. An interesting look at how caricatures are painted.
Dr. House Caricature Speed Painting by Nico Di Mattia
This guy’s paintings are just so good we had to post a few more, here is
everyone’s favorite Doctor Dr. House in another amazing looking caricature, watch this and take notes.
Darth Maul Speed Painting
The fore was definitely with this painter when he decided to start painting Darth Maul. The complete painting which took roughly 3 hours to paint features not only Maul but also a nice backdrop that we
rarely see designers actually go into when speed painting.
Upsidedown Mona Lisa Speed Painting
Probably the coolest speed painting out of this set but also the oddest, why paint the famous Mona Lisa upside down?
I’m not sure, but it does make for an interesting 10 minute video. The result looks perfect as it has every detail the original one does, this is just a case of digital art being inspired by
rational and we can all learn from the result.
Landscape Speed Painting
No celeb or mechanical T-Rex here, just a simple yet awesome looking grungy landscape. It is interesting to see how the techniques to painting this are similar/different from those used to create some of the other paintings featured in this set, so browse through this video and be the judge of that.
Abstract Speed Painting
We cant be sure what exactly was painted in this video but we can be sure that the final product looks simply amazing. The colors work
extremely well with each other in this rather odd scene.
Samus Speed Painting
Lastly we have a speed painting of popular video game character Samus. The multicolored reflections that are on her suite make for an interesting painting that uses the best set of color
pallets possible as the final result looks like its right out of a video game.
2011-06-09 17:00:41
... will use digital painting techniques to skin ... take your digital painting and drawing skills ...
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Have you ever needed to skin an object with a metal surface? In this Psd Premium tutorial, author Ed Lopez will use digital painting techniques to skin a person with futuristic hard and soft metals to create a Crysis inspired nano suit. While this tutorial is meant to emulate the popular video game, the same techniques could also be used on everything from autos to spaceships. This tutorial is available exclusively to Premium Members. If you would like to take your digital painting and drawing skills to the next level, Log in or Join Now to get started!
Detailed Video Instruction
This tutorial includes 10 videos that demonstrate the process of creating this project in detail so that you can better understand the techniques that were used in each step. Below is a clip from one of those videos. To view more clips you can Log in or Join Now!
Professional and Detailed Instructions Inside
This tutorial also includes full text and screenshots of each step. Premium members can Log in and Download! Otherwise, Join Now! Below are some sample images from this tutorial.
Final Image
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2011-05-31 23:59:34
Mara Schasteen современная американская художница из Шеридан, Вайоминг. Свое творчество художница ...
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Mara Schasteen современная американская художница из Шеридан, Вайоминг. Свое творчество художница посвящает идее достижения совершенства в выражении красоты окружающего мира. Специализирует в маслянной живописи. Путь ее жизни не позволили ей получить профессионального художественного образования, Mara Schasteen талантливая художница самоучка. Свой блог на blogspot.comона посвящает тому, чтобы другие, которые не имели возможность еще учиться у мастера или посещать школу изобразительного искусства,брали с нее пример и пробовали свои силы в живописи. Любые художники которые помогаю ей самосовершенствоваться это - Richard Schmid, Clyde Aspevig, Jeremy Lipking, Daniel Keys, Elizabeth Robbins, Tony Pro, Ignat Ignatov, David Kassan, Michael Klein, Jeff Legg, Elizabeth Pollie, Nancy Guzik, Katie Swatland, Alice Fuller, Mike Wimmer. А из классиков живописи это - Sargent, Zorn, Sorolla, Morisot, Monet, Renoir, Sisley, Manet, Cassatt, Rockwell.
"Pink Rose", oil on canvas
"Be Mine", oil on canvas "A Little Dance", oil on canvas "Spring Grass & Flowers", oil on canvas "The Day After (Valentine's Day)", oil on canvas "Geraniums", oil on canvas "Summer's Last Call", oil on canvas "Morning Has Broken", oil on canvas "Orchid", oil on canvas "Freesia", oil on canvas "Miniature Roses & Cherry Blossoms", oil on canvas "Lily", oil on canvas "One", oil on canvas "Pansies", oil on canvas "Yellow Gerbera Daisies", oil on canvas "Stargazers", oil on canvas White on White, oil on canvas
"Silver Coffee Pot & Lillies", oil on canvas "Emme's Artichokes", oil on canvas "Primrose and Fruit", oil on canvas "Seashells and Cream Pitcher", oil on canvas "Calla Lilies", oil on canvas "Tomatoes", oil on canvas "Evening in a Back Alley", oil on canvas "Be My Love in the Rain", oil on canvas "Piney Creek Dreaming", oil on canvas "Moonlight", oil on canvas
Современный американский художник Michael Longo родился в Денвере, штат Колорадо. Его семья путешествовала в годы его становления, знакомя будущего художника с различным культурам и окружающей средой. Живя в Европе и Японии, а также во многих штатах в США, художник был очарован красотой и разнообразием природы. Michael Long закончил университет в Аризоне, где он изучал искусство и архитектуру. Художник пишет в традициях французских импрессионистов начала 1900-х, которые помогли формированию и становлению своего авторского стиля.формировали свои отличительные подход для достижения того же вечные качества в своей работе. Michael Long в своем творчестве постоянно стремится захватить очарование пейзажа и держать его в центре внимания. Свет, цвет, форма и текстура тщательно создают ощущение пространства и атмосферы. Будь то очаровательные пейзажи Тосканы или очаровательные восход солнца над Портофино - интерпретация Longo показать красоту этих мест как нечто незабываемое и вечное в нашей жизни. "Я хочу продолжать изучать все возможности живопись как средства, чтобы выразить мою любовь к жизни, и, возможно, когда-нибудь я буду в состоянии достигнуть высот о которых Моне сказал так - "И краски, как птицы поют" ".