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Родился в 1955 году в Ленинграде. Окончил художественное училище им. В.А.Серова в 1975 г. Член Союза художников России с 1994 г. Участник более 150 выставок в России и за рубежом.Работы находятся в многочисленных частных коллекциях в России и за рубежом.
" У Сальвадора Дали в одной из его десяти заповедей сказано :
«Не бойся совершенства, тебе его не достичь».
Живопись – это то, что помогает мне приблизится к этой тайне, загадке.
Если в жизни, достигнуть определенной цели,
поняв тайну истины, не редко приходит разочарование,
то в искусстве есть надежда сохранить эту тайну, постигая её каждый день."( Александр Сигов )
2011-05-05 17:00:06
... . Why not paint it instead? ... doing some heavy painting from an ... take your digital painting skills to ...
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We’ve all been there. We need to create a specific scene in Photoshop but we can’t find the proper stock photography to create it. Why not paint it instead? In this Psd Premium tutorial, author Ed Lopez will demonstrate how to create an ancient Egyptian temple entrance that’s been carved out of the side of a fantasy canyon. This tutorial will involve doing some heavy painting from an original sketch. It was completed entirely in Photoshop and a tablet is required. This tutorial is available exclusively to Premium Members and includes about 4 hours of video instruction. If you would like to take your digital painting skills to the next level, Log in or Join Now to get started!
Detailed Video Instruction
This tutorial includes 14 videos that demonstrate the process of creating this project in detail so that you can better understand the techniques that were used in each step. Below is a clip from one of those videos. To view more clips you can Log in or Join Now!
Professional and Detailed Instructions Inside
This tutorial also includes full text and screenshots of each step. Premium members can Log in and Download! Otherwise, Join Now! Below are some sample images from this tutorial.
Final Image
Psd Premium Membership
As you know, we run a premium membership system here that costs $9 a month (or $22 for 3 months!) which gives members access to the Source files for tutorials as well as periodic extra tutorials, like this one! You’ll also get access to Net Premium and Vector Premium, too. If you’re a Premium member, you can Log in and Download the Tutorial. If you’re not a member, you can of course Join Today!