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Тэг «pedrini»

Главные темы

Free cross-stitch pattern “Seasons-Winter”

   2012-08-29 18:25:03
Free cross-stitch pattern “Seasons-Winter”   This pattern ends  the theme ” ...
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Тэги: counted, cross-stitch, cross-stitching, download, free, landscape, online, pattern

Free cross-stitch pattern “Seasons- Autumn”

   2012-08-29 18:05:29
Free cross-stitch pattern “Seasons- Autumn” It autumn! I keep the theme “Seasons&# ...
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Тэги: cross-stitch, cross-stitching, download, free, landscape, online, pattern

Free cross-stitch pattern ” Seasons-Summer”

   2012-08-29 17:34:39
Free cross-stitch pattern “Summer” This is a continuation of the theme “Seasons&# ...
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Тэги: counted, cross-stitch, download, free, landscape, pattern

Free cross-stitch pattern “Spring”

   2012-08-29 17:18:14
Free cross-stitch pattern “Spring” It will be 4 small pattern of the seasons. This is ...
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Тэги: cross-stitch, download, free, landscape, pattern

Floral Cross-stitch pattern “Queen of flowers”

   2012-08-28 00:56:28
Another beautiful floral design- cross-stitch pattern “Queen of flowers” Pattern Name: ...
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Тэги: cross-stitch, flower, pattern, rose

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