Zdravstvui! Etot about horoshy novost!
One time Nikolay poluchit Horoshy Novost. Etot bylo vnezapny and ochen mnogoe horoshy.
- Kakoe Horoshy Etot Novost! - skazhet gromkoe Nikolay and ulybaetsya. - Etot vnezapny and neozhidanny!
Nikolay idti po ulitsa and radostny ulybaetsya, because Horoshy Novost. Ulitsa bylo sunny and krasivy.
- Pochemu Takoe radostny? - sprosit prohozhy.
- Because ochen otlichny! - otvetit Nikolay and prodolzhit svoe doroga.
- Pochemu ulybaetsya? - sprosit militsioner.
- Etot cherez Horoshy Novost! - skazhet Nikolay.
- Stop, Nikolay! - skazhet militsioner. - Kakoe Etot novost?
And Nikolay prishlos rasskazat about Horoshy Novost.
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Zdravstvui! Etot about skolzky doroga.
Bylo zima and skolzky doroga because led. Alexander pokupat zimny kolesa and mnogoe radostny. Nikolay NET pokupat Takoe and silno ostorozhny.
- Ya mnogoe razumny! - skazhet Alexander. - Zimny kolesa - Etot bezopasny!
- Zimny kolesa - Etot horoshy, but dorogoe! - skazhet Nikolay and medlennoe poehat na rabota.
- Ya bogach! Zimny kolesa - Etot dostupnoe! - otvetit Alexander, poehat ochen silny bystroe and priehat v sugrob.
Nikolay opazdat na rabota, Alexander isportit novy car.
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Zdravstvui! Etot about horoshy palto!
Bylo teply leto! Nikolay poluchit v rabota mnogoe zarabotat dengi and mnogoe radostny.
- Teper Ya bogach! Ya budet mnogoe pokupaet! - skazhet Nikolay. - Etot mnogoe otlichny!
- Da, Takoe, Nikolay! - skazhet Alexander and ulybatsya.
Nikolay poyti v shop and kupit novy portfel. V drugoe shop, Nikolay pokupit radio and tv-set. Potom pokupit 2 novy shtany, gun and cartridges, hawaiian shirt and zolotoe ring and mnogoe drugoe.
- Stop Nikolay! - zakrichat Alexander and mnogoe razumny. - Zima skoroe! Nado teply palto! Amerikansky palto samy horoshy. NET nado spend dengi v glupoe!
- Glupy! - skazhet Nikolay, zasmeyatsya and pokupit xBox and iPad.
- Ty idiot! - skazhet Alexander and Ya NET budet druzhit s Ty more!
Potom nastupilo zima. Nikolay NET imeet teply palto and mnogoe holodny. Nikolay pobezhit v Alexander house and pechalny.
- Alexander! - zakrichit Nikolay. - Mnogoe holodny! Pomogay!
And Alexander pomog.
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Nikolay bylo sidit v lavochka near svoe dom. Use ...
Zdravstvui! Etot about VHS-machine!
Nikolay bylo sidit v lavochka near svoe dom. Use nekotory alcohol and smotret vpered. Vpered ehat trmvay and Nikolay smotrit v Etot NET vnimatelnoe. Tramvay uehat, but Nikolay ostavaetsya and sidit. After nekotory time Nikolay vzdohnut and uhodit, but v tomorrow Nikolay sidit v Etot lavochka again. Sometimes Nikolay holodny, sometimes zharky, sometimes mokry, sometimes piany but always skuchny.
NET nado Takoe everyday, Nikolay! Nado use VHS-machine!
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Zdravstvui! Etot about Posevnaya!
Nastupilo teply pogoda and mnogoe Russki Chelovek vyshel v ulitsa for Posevnaya. Mnogoe sunny around! NET krupny birds krasivy and gromkoe pesnya! Ochen horoshy and mnogoe trudolubivy! But odin Russki Chelovek NET poyti v Posevnaya. Etot - Nikolay. Nikolay sidit v svoe dom and tihoe inside. Mnogoe Russki Chelovek NET spokoyny! - Pochemu Takoe - NET Nikolay v Posevnaya? Pochemu tihoe v Nikolay's dom?
- Nikolay! - skazhet mnogoe Russki Chelovek. - Posevnaya polezny! Nado vyhodit!
- Ya NET mozhet idti v Posevnaya right now! Ya smotrit VHS about Etot! - otvetit Nikolay.
- Nado NET smotrit VHS, but idti v Posevnaya with us! - skazhet Sergey (Russki Nikolay's Druh)
- Ya budet prihodit v Posevnaya tomorrow! - skazhet Nikolay.
- Etot glupy!
- NET Takoe!
V next day Nikolay vyhodit v Posevnaya and delaet Etot bystry and samy horoshy.
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