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Yup, we will be closed for Thanksgiving Day 2014-11-25 20:30:00
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The staff at Eyes on Fremont will be taking this Thursday, the 27th off to feast with our friends & family and hope you enjoy your time as well. Most importantly, we will be back in the shop regular hours on Friday and Saturday to serve all your eyewear needs!
We look forward to SEEING you then....
Тэги: best, buy, cool, designers, eyes, eyewear, fall, fremont, glasses, holiday, independent, place, seattle, thanksgiving, trends
Customers around the Shop: Thomas & Margaret M. 2014-11-18 20:30:00
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I honestly cannot imagine a cuter, sweeter couple to model their new ROGER EYE DESIGN frames than Thomas & Margaret... They are just perfect in these striking styles! And, on top of that, a lovely pair to have around :)
Тэги: best, buy, coolest, couples, cute, design, every, eye, eyes, eyewear, face, fremont, glasses, great, interesting, place, roger, seattle, wearing
Customers around the Shop: Thea M. 2014-11-15 20:30:00
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Thea likes to paint the town pink with these hot fuchsia sunglasses from Eyefunc! What better way to brighten up those grey Seattle days?
Тэги: best, bold, buy, colorful, cool, every, evil, eyefunc, eyes, eyewear, face, fight, fremont, glasses, great, place, seattle
Керамический нож для выживания Böker Plus Cera-Neck 2014-11-13 06:13:35
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 Компания Böker Baumwerk GmbH представила новый нож для выживания Plus Cera-Neck в линейке тактических инструментов. Новинка характеризуется наличием скелетообразной ручки, вместо накладок в ней используется намотанный паракорд. Изделие изготовлено из керамики и не обнаруживается металлодетекторами.
Тэги: blade, boker, cera-neck, fixed, plus, бушкрафта, выживания, запасной, инструменты, керамические, лезвием, нашейный, неметаллические, нож, ножи, ношения, оружие, паракордом, походный, резервный, скрытого, тактический, туристический, фиксированным
Customers around the Shop: West (again!) 2014-11-12 22:52:00
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Our friend West shows off yet another funky cool faux wood set of glasses- this time, in a classic P3 shape and neutral wood-stripe detail. A nice change from its colorful, contemporary predecessor!
Check out his last glasses choice here: http://eyesonfremont.blogspot.com/2012/10/customers-around-shop-west-k-in.html
Always looking good West! Thank you for allowing us to help you look good thus, making us look good as well! :)
Тэги: best, buy, cool, every, evil, eyes, eyewear, face, faux, fight, finish, frames, fremont, glasses, great, guys, kids, place, seattle, wear, wood
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