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Тэг «policy»

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CSG, tax of habitation, APL … Edouard Philippe dismisses the tax ground

   2017-08-24 21:00:15

The Prime Minister is serving after-sales tax measures in the run-up to the re-entry. After the ...
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Тэги: hot, news, policy

Emmanuel Macron, the hyper president

   2017-07-02 17:00:21

Nothing left to chance … on the bottom, as on the form, Emmanuel Macron wants to be the ...
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Тэги: hot, news, policy

National Assembly: Where do the deputies walk?

   2017-06-25 17:00:44

Our newspaper reveals the true face of the 308 elected Macronists: novices of diverse political ...
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Тэги: hot, news, policy

Remodeling: discover the complete composition of the new government of Edouard Philippe

   2017-06-22 05:00:21

The composition of the second government of Edouard Philippe was announced on Wednesday, three ...
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Тэги: hot, news, policy

LIVE. Reshuffle: François Bayrou announces his resignation

   2017-06-21 17:00:22

JOURNAL OF A PRESIDENCY. The affair of the parliamentary assistants of the Modem has, more than ...
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Тэги: hot, news, policy

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