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Тэг «politic»

Главные темы

Emmanuel Macron to speak to parliamentarians in Versailles on 3 July

   2017-06-29 09:00:19

Emmanuel Macron will gather parliamentarians on July 3 in Versailles, the day before the general ...
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Тэги: congress, emmanuel, hot, macron, news, politics

G20 in Hamburg: Federal Constitutional Court repeats protest camp ban

   2017-06-29 05:01:18

G20 in Hamburg, Germany Federal Constitutional Court repeats protest camp ban The protests ...
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Тэги: g20, germany, hamburg, hot, news, politics, summit

The former “reformist” ecologist François de Rugy elected President of the Assembly

   2017-06-28 03:01:00

The deputy of Loire-Atlantique François de Rugy elected president of the National Assembly this ...
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Тэги: assembly, francois, hot, national, news, politics, rugy

François de Rugy elected President of the National Assembly

   2017-06-28 03:01:00

This was only a formality. François de Rugy, a candidate nominated by the LREM majority group for ...
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Тэги: government, hot, news, opposition, political

Appointed by the deputies LREM, François de Rugy en route to the perch

   2017-06-27 23:00:18

It should be no more than a formality. François de Rugy was chosen as candidate of the LREM group ...
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Тэги: government, hot, news, opposition, political

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