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Тэг «polyus»

Главные темы

Официальная презентации и представление нового iPhone 7 Plus

   2016-08-11 10:45:28
Что мы так любим в линейке смартфонов от компании Apple? Производительность, качество, дизайн. С ...
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Тэги: iphone, plus

Стоит ли покупать iPhone 7 Plus?

   2016-08-09 08:50:19
Стоит ли ждать от iPhone 7 Plus большего прорыва, чем были проекты 6S и 6S Plus на фоне своих ...
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Тэги: iphone, plus

Когда начнутся продажи iPhone 7 Plus?

   2016-08-08 12:50:17
Многих волнует вопрос, когда начнутся продажи iPhone 7 Plus? Известная компания Apple, как стало ...
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Тэги: iphone, plus

Чехол HandL для iPhone 6 Plus с подвижной подставкой

   2016-08-03 15:30:47

Чехол HandL – это безопасное решение для оптимального взаимодействия телефона с ладонью. Его ...
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Тэги: $50, 6/6, iphone, plus, аксессуары, чехлы, чехол, чехол-подставка

Eyes on Fremont Family field trip: The New KEXP STUDIOS

   2016-08-02 03:08:00
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The EOF gang behind the coveted vinyl section of KEXP's comprehensive music library.

For many years, Eyes on Fremont has been a proud supporter and underwriter of Seattle's independent, listener powered radio station, KEXP. Now in their new, much-expanded studio facility, we were invited to check out what happens behind the airwaves.

  Check out a few highlights from the tour our EOF gang was invited to do with Carol Dupuis and seasoned volunteer, Ken:

An original studio keepsake of sorts: This original Nirvana "Nevermind" album secures fond memories with it's  entertaining footnotes by the DJs playing it when the album released, way back in the station's KCMU days. It earned critical acclaim & heavy rotation stats by the these resident DJs before it made international record sales.

DJ Quilty 3000 on the air yesterday, taking a moment to explain the back scene DJ process...  She's been a resident DJ since 2003 (and a longtime EOF customer)!

Our tour guides and the EOF staff in the new live studio showroom.  Thanks, Carol (third from left)  and Ken (2nd from rt) showing us around the coolest radio station ever! 

To learn more about KEXP,  listen online, find out about studio tours/events, become a member, and receive discounts (we offer a KEXP discount for glasses!) and otherwise get the gist of what "listener powered radio" means, please check out their site at: http://www.kexp.org

Тэги: -place, best, buy, every, evil, eyes, eyewear, face, fight, fremont, glasses, great, independent, kexp, listener, local, powered, radio, seattle, support

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