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Тэг «presidential»

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François Fillon resumes his field trips

   2017-01-04 01:00:18

He had not been seen since on the field since his vows of December 31, after the truce of ...
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Тэги: election, elections, hot, news, presidential

QUIZ. Political Phrases of the Year: Who Said What?

   2016-12-31 23:00:22

Will you be able to guess who these phrases were that marked the political news in 2016? Majority ...
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Тэги: election, emmanuel, francois, hollande, hot, macron, news, presidential

Primary right: according to a poll, Fillon could win in the second round

   2016-11-16 07:00:14

“Surveys are not worth trifling,” he said a few days ago. Will François Fillon change ...
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Тэги: election, hot, news, presidential

Macron to announce his presidential candidacy tomorrow morning

   2016-11-16 05:00:15
... candidacy for the presidential Wednesday morning, ... to announce his presidential candidacy tomorrow ...
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Тэги: election, elections, hot, news, presidential

After the victory of Donald Trump, the time is mea culpa in the American press

   2016-11-11 01:00:14

“Madam President”. Wednesday, most US newspapers, often reinforced by unanimous polls ...
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Тэги: election, elections, hot, news, presidential, republican

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