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Тэг «profile»

Главные темы

From Food Blog to Cookbook: The Domestic Man

   2014-02-11 20:00:43
Russ Crandall, the blogger at The Domestic Man, chats with WordPress.com about the Paleo ...
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Тэги: blog, blogger, blogging, book, community, crandall, deal, domestic, food, plan, profile, russ, wordpress.com, writing

Single, Divorced, but Plenty Tall Enough to Ride: A Blogger Profile

   2014-01-23 00:01:48
There are 47 million blogs at WordPress.com and every single one has a unique story to tell. Today, ...
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Тэги: blogger, community, profile

Show Yourself Off in 2014: Profiles, Portfolios, and Personal Pages

   2014-01-07 20:00:20
When you refresh your résumé for the new year, why not also refresh (or create!) your online ...
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Тэги: blogging, portfolio, profile, resume, themes

Подходы к оптимизации (веб-)приложений

   2014-01-04 21:30:23

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Тэги: mysql, optimization, performance, php, pinba, profiling, английски, веб-разработка, всё, ибо, равно, теги, читает

Five Minutes with Alison Barrett

   2013-10-24 01:00:55
Every once in a while, we sit down with an Automattician to help you get to know the people who work ...
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Тэги: aliso, alison, automattic, barrett, behind, community, geek, hiring, jobs, profile, scenes, wordpress.com

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