Президент Петр Порошенко, вопреки заявлениям, до сих пор не передал свои активы в слепой траст. Однако начал реструктуризацию своих активов "Roshen", создав для этого три оффшорные компании. Об этом идет речь в расследовании Анны Бабинец для программы "Слідство.інфо".
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Overcrowded with refugees – does Europe really look like it? Why is Hungary building a wall on its border? Is this a dawn for the far-right who question European identity? The Newssky has asked Vasil Minchev, a conservative policy expert and Kronos Institute for Social Researh fellow in Budapest. Vasil, some commentators and media say […]
Запись Vasil Minchev: ’The Refugee Crisis Makes Europe Forget More Important Issues’ впервые появилась Newssky.com.ua.

In December last year, Serbia has received an invitation to accession negotiations with the European Union. Ten years ago, it seemed next to impossible, as the government led by «moderate nationalist» Vojislav Kostunica clashed with Brussels over the Kosovo issue. In what state did Serbia arrive to this edge ? How strong is the influence […]
Запись Branimir Ćurčić: ‘Poor Privatization Policy Was Serbia’s Major Mistake’ впервые появилась Newssky.com.ua.

While I completely acknowledge that this referendum vote is rather an issue between the Netherlands and Brussels, I still feel it is important to convey a few simple arguments in favor of a pro-‘yes’-choice on April 6. 1. Over years the Netherlands has become 2nd largest foreign direct investor into Ukraine, and if one dismisses […]
Запись 5 QUICK POINTS FOR THE DUTCH впервые появилась Newssky.com.ua.