Серия сообщений "Любимые исполнители": Часть 1 - Tracktor Bowling Часть 2 - 3 Doors Down ... Часть 10 - Бейонсе Часть 11 - Within Templation Часть 12 - Mustafa Sandal
Серия сообщений "Turkish": Часть 1 - Mustafa Sandal
2012-10-26 04:32:54
Triathlon is an endurance game that involves three continuous and sequential sport disciplines? ...
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Triathlon is an endurance game that involves three continuous and sequential sport disciplines?swimming, cyling, and running. In this event, an athlete must finish all races in the shortest time possible. Among the three endurance disciplines mentioned, athletes usually consider swimming as the most intimidating sport mainly because it is ordinarily really difficult to swim than [...]