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You Can Buy The Home Of Your Dreams With These Tips 2016-12-05 00:58:09
You just need to be knowledgeable about buying real estate. The advice gained here can ease the ...
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You just need to be knowledgeable about buying real estate. The advice gained here can ease the way to successful real estate purchases. Have a moderate approach when you negotiate while buying real estate. Many times people are too aggressive because they are trying to get the best price, and they end up losing out ...
The post You Can Buy The Home Of Your Dreams With These Tips appeared first on Tritoon.
Тэги: agent, buying, estate, offenders, real, sex, uncategorized
Простая проверка Linux на предмет malware, руткитов и тп [maldet] 2016-12-04 17:35:50
Всем доброго времени суток и прочих разностей. Мы уже писали подробную статью на тему теории и ...
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Всем доброго времени суток и прочих разностей. Мы уже писали подробную статью на тему теории и практики избавления системы от руткитов и других хвостов под Linux. По большей части та статья была направлена на работу с клиентскими машинами, хотя, в общем-то, оно было применимо и к серверам. По Вашим просьбам пишу простенький мануал для проверки […]
Тэги: (блог), linux, spyware/malware, ssh, заметки, защита, консоль, серверное, удаление
Двигатели для SSJ 100 наработали более полумиллиона часов 2016-11-30 16:18:37
Суммарная наработка турбовентиляторных двигателей PowerJet SaM146, которые устанавливают на ...
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Суммарная наработка турбовентиляторных двигателей PowerJet SaM146, которые устанавливают на российские самолеты Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ 100), по данным на 24 ноября текущего года, составила 500,793 тыс. ч (336,027 тыс. циклов). Об этом сообщают в научно-производственном объединении (НПО) «Сатурн», которое выпускает силовые установки совместно с Safran Aircraft Engines (бывшая Snecma) в рамках СП PowerJet. Максимальная наработка […]
Тэги: "сатурн", aircraft, engines, powerjet, safran, sam146, ssj-100, sukhoi, superjet-100, авиация, гражданская, новости, нпо
Real Estate Tips To Help You Buy The Property Of Your Dreams 2016-11-29 16:34:46
Buying any sort of property is a big investment, but to a first-time buyer, it can be huge. It ...
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Buying any sort of property is a big investment, but to a first-time buyer, it can be huge. It can be frustrating, and even cause some anxiety, when dealing with the money and commitment required. In the following paragraphs, you’ll find tips that can help any buyer make a good purchase, and will make the ...
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Тэги: agents, closing, costs, estate, foreclosed, homes, offender, real, record, sex, track, uncategorized
Practical Advice For Buyers In The Real Estate Market 2016-11-23 16:26:32
You need to really understand real estate before totally investing yourself into it. Knowledge ...
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You need to really understand real estate before totally investing yourself into it. Knowledge can help you make beneficial decisions for your family that will last for many years. Take some of the tips here to increase your knowledge of the real estate market. Be moderate in your approach when considering a purchase of real ...
The post Practical Advice For Buyers In The Real Estate Market appeared first on Tritoon.
Тэги: agents, asking, estate, offenders, price, real, record, sex, track, uncategorized
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