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Тэг «society»

Главные темы

Southern Europe: Forest fires drive thousands into flight

   2017-08-15 07:00:17

Southern Europe Forest fires are driving thousands Italy, Greece, Portugal: Heavy forest fires ...
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Тэги: greece, hot, news, panorama, society

Contaminated eggs: searches underway in Belgium and the Netherlands

   2017-08-10 23:00:20

The searches are conducted as part of the investigation into the fraudulent use of Fipronil. &# ...
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Тэги: hot, news, society

Thunderstorms: 23 departments in vigilance orange

   2017-08-01 19:00:20

After a lull in the late morning and midday, storm activity will resume in the afternoon, says Mé ...
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Тэги: hot, news, orange, society, vigilance, weather

Refugees in front of Italy: distresses refuse signature under Code of Conduct

   2017-08-01 11:00:22

Refugees before Italy Sea Otters refuse to sign under Code of Conduct The Italian Government ...
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Тэги: hot, news, panorama, refugees, society

Strengthened priority education networks will have 2,500 more teachers at the start of the school year

   2017-06-26 09:00:54

The Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, announced the recruitment of 2,500 teachers for ...
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Тэги: blanquer, course, hot, jean-michel, news, preparatory, society

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