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Тэг «society»

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Drug test for teenagers.

   2012-09-16 12:00:17
The President of Russia Vladimir Putin suggests returning to the ...
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The President of Russia Vladimir Putin suggests returning to the question of enacting the obligatory drug test for teenagers.
"We should return to this question, this very day I’m going to discuss the topic with my colleagues from the government. However, we should find the way so that it will not cause additional problems to people. If that is a diseases it must be diagnosed in time”, - he announced today at the meeting with the Governor of Rostov Oblast, there were also present other managers of the region, reports ITAR-TASS.

Тэги: society

The number of civil servants can become less than a quater

   2012-09-16 11:48:20
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Тэги: society

Not less than 20 thousand people are intending to participate in the "March of the millions-3"

   2012-09-13 16:59:11

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Тэги: society

Несколько законодательных инициатив

   2012-07-23 10:42:41
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Тэги: fun, society

Бруклинское историческое общество

   2012-06-02 12:48:40
(Brooklyn Historical Society) занимает свое прежнее ...
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Тэги: bank, brooklyn, crown, ebbets, field, height, historical, park, saving, society, tompkins, williamsburg, бруклинский, ист-ривер, коббл-хил, краун-хайтсе, кэрролл-гарденс, ман-хэттен, мости, набережная, нью-йорка, окраина, ред-хук, стадион, хайтса, эббетс-филл

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