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Wednesday image. Pink bow 2013-05-01 21:41:00
Hello there! I present to you new ...
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Hello there! I present to you new photo session - with cute pink bow on a band. I dunno what about you but I adore such kind of thing!  Wearing here: jeans trousers Valentino, boots Antonio Biaggi, Louis Vuitton bag, Laura Ashley t-shirtYou can see some other photo images of mine here or here!!! Please join me through Google+ and Bloglovin as soon we won't be able to make friends through GFC :-(
Тэги: ashley, countryside, laura, spring, valentino
Фестиваль национальных культур 'Весенняя радуга' 2013-04-29 12:51:46
< ...
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 art ma-zaika | Spring rainboW | Гостей фестиваля ожидает концертная программа с участием лучших творческих коллективов национальных общин Саратова и области. На национальных подворьях развернутся выставки декоративно-прикладного творчества "Город мастеров", и посетители отведают блюда национальной кухни и оценят колорит традиционного народного быта. Для юных гостей в рамках фестиваля пройдет конкурс рисунков на асфальте "Радуга дружбы". Место: Национальная деревня народов Саратовской области на Соколовой горе Начало: 1 мая в 12:00 Фото: © Copyright nowa 
Тэги: rainbow, spring, афиша, весенний, гора, город, деревня, дружба, концерт, культура, мастер, национальный, парк, победа, радуга, саратова, соколовая, фестиваль
Wednesday image. White elegancy 2013-04-24 23:46:00
Hello dears, today i want to share ...
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Hello dears, today i want to share with you my usual Wednesday image issue. I hope you will like it!  Wearing: earrings Swarowski, sunglasses Provision, sweater Sassofono, leggings ThakoonMy dears, you can vote for my image here if you like - I will be very much pleased! Please add my Bloglovin if you like to stay in touch with me! Also I will be happy if you follow me on Instagram as well!
Тэги: donetsk, elegancy, sassofono, spring, thakoon, white
Customers around the shop: Pam N. 2013-04-20 04:37:00
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Something about Pam's new look says 50's Starlet- classy, cool, and timelessly chic. Could it possibly be those awesome sunglasses she's wearing??
Тэги: best, cateye, cool, evil, eye, eyewear, fashion, fight, fremont, funky, glass, great, seattle, spring, sunglass
“The Joy of Spring” – verse of Musa Jalil 2013-04-17 16:03:56
The smiling spring will all around be shedding
Its green upon the far- ...
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The smiling spring will all around be shedding
Its green upon the far-flung meadowlands.
New branches in the grove will be outspreading
And singing nightingales in gardens sound.
Then will you walk, the wood and pathway-taking,
Your tresses in the spring breeze borne abroad,
Your footsteps will the chilly dew be shaking,
But your love's far [...]
Тэги: jalil, joy, musa, poem, poet, poetry, spring, verse
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