Оригинал взят у
scild в Формирование очередного номера журнала «Studia Humanitatis»
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Редакция и Редакционная коллегия электронного научно-образовательного журнала «Studia Humanitatis» сообщают о формировании очередного номера издания (2015, № 2).
Проект ИСГИ журнал «Studia Humanitatis» основан в начале 2013 года и представляет собой электронный научно-образовательный журнал, целью которого является содействие развитию гуманитарного образования и науки в России и за рубежом.
Задачей издания является информирование читателей о состоянии и перспективах развития гуманитарных дисциплин в России и мире, популяризация гуманитарного знания, предоставление ученым-гуманитариям площадки для публикации результатов своей научной деятельности и исследований, осуществление информационной деятельности.
Журнал является продолжающимся сетевым изданием, не имеющим печатного эквивалента. Периодичность издания составляет четыре номера в год (ежеквартально).
Издание зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор) 25 января 2013 года. Свидетельство – ЭЛ № ФС 77-52598.
Журнал зарегистрирован в Centre International de l'ISSN. Изданию присвоен ISSN 2308-8079.
С января 2014 года журнал «Studia Humanitatis» включен в Российский индекс научного цитирования (РИНЦ).
С октября 2014 года выпуски журнала «Studia Humanitatis» размещаются в научной электронной библиотеке открытого доступа (Open Access) «КиберЛенинка».
Учредителем сетевого издания «Studia Humanitatis» является Автономная некоммерческая организация «Институт современных гуманитарных исследований». Главный редактор – Президент АНО ИСГИ, член-корреспондент РАЕ, доктор теологических наук, кандидат филологических наук Андрей Мельков.
В издании открыты следующие рубрики: "История", "Политология", "Теология", "Филология", "Философия".
В журнале публикуются научные статьи, обзоры, рецензии и другие материалы образовательного, научного, культурно-просветительского характера, относящиеся к области гуманитарных наук.
За два года издания журнала авторами из России и стран ближнего и дальнего зарубежья было опубликовано 125 научных статей. Архив номеров доступен в свободном доступе на сайте журнала.
Журнал является рецензируемым научным изданием. Перед публикацией все научные статьи подвергаются тщательной экспертной оценке. Авторские гонорары не выплачиваются. Все материалы журнала представлены в свободном и бесплатном доступе.
Редакция и редакционная коллегия сетевого издания «Studia Humanitatis» приглашают авторов научных статей для публикаций на страницах журнала.
Возможность разместить результаты своих трудов предоставляется как преподавателям вузов, научным сотрудникам, докторантам, так и молодым исследователям – аспирантам и студентам.
Статьи в очередной номер журнала (2015, № 2) принимаются до 15 июня 2015 года.
С правилами оформления рукописей и требованиями к содержанию научных статей можно ознакомиться на специальной странице нашего издания.
Обращаем внимание на то, что электронная публикация является равноправным видом научной публикации в сравнении с традиционным бумажным печатным эквивалентом. В действующем государственном стандарте (ГОСТ Р 7.0.5–2008 «Библиографическая ссылка») приведены конкретные правила и примеры оформления библиографических ссылок на материалы, опубликованные в сети Интернет.
Редакция и Редакционная коллегия сетевого издания «Studia Humanitatis» осуществляют политику поступательного развития журнала с перспективой его включения в международные наукометрические базы, а также в Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий, в которых должны быть опубликованы основные научные результаты диссертации на соискание ученых степеней доктора и кандидата наук (Перечень ВАК РФ).
Сетевое издание «Studia Humanitatis»,
Информационная служба ИСГИ
Оригинал взят у
eparhial в "Studia Humanitatis". Summary № 1, 2015
Belonogova J.I. Orthodox priesthood of Bronnitsy County in the early XX century by the report of the bishop of Dmitrov Tryphon (Turkestanov)
The article considers the state of the Orthodox priesthood of Moscow Province Bronnitsy County according to the materials of the report of the Bishop of Dmitrov Tryphon, formation of a positive image of the Orthodox priesthood, the relationship between the diocesan authorities and the clergy of the rural parishes.
Kolupaev V.E. Orthodoxy in Central and Eastern Africa
The article describes the history of extension of Orthodoxy in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ghana, Zaire, as a result of the Greek missionaries’ work in XX century.
Mamedov Z.I. The initial stage of formation of public opinion about the “Ergenekon” organization in “The New York Times” and “The Washington Post”
The article analyses a small part of the American sources that started covering the events connected with the secret organization “Ergenekon” that, according to some information, functioned in Turkey at the beginning of the 2000th years. Comparing various viewpoints, we attempted to understand the question of formation of public opinion about this organization in the USA.
Surgova S.Y., Stolyarchuk N.V. Prevention as relevant direction in training of social workers
This article is devoted to the problem of the precautionary approach in the system of professional training of future social workers. The author considers the question of the precautionary approach as a unified model of human rights protection in health and social development.
Efimov V.F. Erudition as the individual quality in modern approaches to the modernization of education
The article discusses the concept of education from the position of humanization as a quality of personal identity as well as hierarchical qualities of education; and the way they can be reached at the present stage of society development.
Faychuk O.L., Naumenko V.V. Theoretical aspects of business role-playing game for senior students
The article deals with some theoretically grounded features of the business role-playing game determined to improve the learning process of senior students (specialization «Social work»). The authors give the classification of business role-playing games, benefits and effective application of the rules of role-plays, and possibilities of using them in the learning process. Business role-playing games provide students’ initiative, emotional saturation of the learning process and help to assimilate the basic theoretical knowledge.
Mukhametov R.S. Specificity of regional elections-2014
The article is concerned with the regional election campaign in 2014. The author analyses the results of the gubernatorial elections, and voting for members of regional parliaments. Much attention is paid to the reasons of conformist voting. The author comes to the conclusion that good results of candidates from the party «United Russia» were due to several factors: support of Vladimir Putin, the administrative resource.
Bostan S.I. Theoretical aspects of international relations in the modern period
World politics is influenced by the joint of all countries of the world and thus takes place in the global context. Each country has a certain role depending on the place it takes in the international system and the political situation of the country. Political, economic, cultural, information and social interdependence of the world is due to the integration process, the development of new technologies, and the impact of globalization. On identifying the main categories and forms of modern international relations, and causes of conflicts, one can reduce their negative impact and influence on the development of the modern world order.
Hieromonk John (Bulyko). The doctrine of deification in the Orthodox theology
The teaching of the salvation is the most important part of the Christian theology. The sotereology can answer the question about the sense of life of the Christian, the final destiny, and the means of reaching this aim. The theosis is synergy. Not only the God makes our salvation, but we take part in this process too.
Pavenkov O.V., Rubtcova M.V. The conceptualization of love in religious thought of George Florovsky and Michael Pomazansky
The present article is concerned with the question of conceptualization of love in works of Fr. George Florovsky and Fr. Michael Pomazansky, Russian religious thinkers and theologists. We are studying the meaning and appropriacy of two words, ‘love’ (English) and ‘любовь’ (Russian), that are the best to represent the agapelogical positive evaluation in Russian religious thought. Data for study was taken from ten different articles and extracts from books written by Fr. George Florovsky and Fr. Michael Pomazansky. On the basis of this analysis we develop semantic explications of words ‘love’ and ‘любовь’ as Christian spiritual concepts within the framework of theoretical approach of Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM). In summary we state that this article discusses, describes and determines some similarities and differences in understanding of concept ‘love’ in the affore-referenced works by Fr. George Florovsky and Fr. Michael Pomazansky.
Pavenkov V.G., Pavenkov O.V. Triadology of love in P. Florenskiy and S. Bulgakov’s studies
This article covers the study of triadology of love in one of the Russian religious philosophical schools. This direction is represented by such names as P.A. Florenskiy, S.N. Bulgakov, N.O. Lossky, I.A. Ilyin. The founder of this direction was the Father Paul Florensky. In his treatise “The Pillar and Ground of the Truth” (1914) he examined such issues as relations in the Holy Trinity, the connection of Trinitarian pattern with Christian anthropological model, relations between the indiviaduals, the categories of love, jealousy, and friendship. S.N. Bylgakov considered the Christian triadology of love being based on concepts of the Image and the Prototype and relations between the Image and the Divine Prototype. The common idea of Florenskiy and Bulgakov's philosophy is the idea of the unity of anthropology and triadology of love.
Melkov A.S. Comparative-historical method in Slavic linguistics and Alexander Vostokov’s philological intuitions
The article is devoted to the estimation of Alexander Vostokov’s (1781-1864) contribution to the formation and development of the Slavic philology as a scientific discipline. In the foundation of the research there is the analyses of Vostokov’s work «Judgement about the Slavic language», which has become the result of the scientist’s study the oldest Russian manuscript «Ostromir Gospels». Vostokov devised a new method for the Slavic philology, which is used to call comparative-historical in modern science. The scientist gave the beginning of Old Church Slavonic and Old Russian written monuments scientific researching. Thanks to Vostokov’s discoveries, there has been formed the basis of Russian comparative-historical linguistics.
Nikishov Y.M. On A.S. Pushkin’s prophecies
Poets like to dream. It is not difficult for them to look beyond the edge of the present. Sometimes their predictions come true. Then these predictions become a prophecy.
Fusco A. A.J. Cronin: conflict and liberation through romance
Conflict which involves both the external and individual inner world is the central theme of Cronin’s narrative world. Heroes in the fiction and Archibald himself struggle to achieve their aims and will never give up in front of difficulties. “Hatter’s Castle”, “The Stars look Down”, “The Keys of the Kingdom” contain dramatic tones that reach the top in “The Judas Tree”: the hero after a long wearing interior debate, puts an end to his own life. Conflict presented in Cronin’s lifelong romance has, however, a positive epilogue in which the hero is free from all his anxieties. “Desmonde” is the final chapter of Cronin’s story.
Nikolsky E.V. The specificity of religious journalism by Valentine Rasputin: from the earthly disappointments to the highest truth
The article analyses V.G. Rasputin’s journalism specifically marking that his journalism in 1990-s had an image of some non-personified force that consciously managed the processes (like the world government). Other articles by V.G. Rasputin form the view of literature as a way of national identity. He consistently appears as a righteous man and a preacher depending on the stage of aesthetic activities associated with cognition and production of ethical truth. In conclusion the author notes how the writer’s “pochvennichestvo” grew into the oppositional views of the society.
Burmakina N.A., Conrad R.S. The rhetorical analysis of the text by archpriest Artemy Vladimirov “Reciprocal of patience and love (out of Evening talks with parishioners)”
The article reveals the detection of substantial and formal aspects of evening talks based on the interlocutions of the preacher Father Artemy Vladimirov. Stylistic features of the conversation-preaching (sermons) of the father-confessor are defined.
Goncharova A.A. Rene Descartes’ letter to abbot Mersenne. November, 20, 1629. Translation from English
This letter is of value for lingua-philosophical and linguistic researches. Rene Descartes’ remarks about the first proposal for the universal language are expounded in it. Descartes was considered as a pioneer in linguistic constructions due to these remarks. This letter contains philosopher’s conclusions about the universal language’s grammar and use, as well as project’s implementation obstacles.
Dolgorukova N.M. Erich Auerbach: the birth of the method
This article examines the formation of E. Auerbach's conception of methods in philology. We argue that the source of E. Auerbach's conception is works of Fosser and his followers. The article analyzes E. Auerbach's conception of method from his classic book "Mimesis" to his later works.
Głogowska-Balcerzak A., Wasiński M.J. Druids, Scientologists and Wiccans – religions, beliefs and their manifestation in Strasbourg Jurisprudence
This article highlights two problems with the interpretation of Article 9 of The European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The first one relates to the issues of „beliefs” of a religiously indifferent character. The second one concerns the conditions that have to be met to qualify a given act as a protected „manifestation” of one’s religion or belief.
Martyanova N.A. Rubtcova M.V. The identity management practices of beauty-bloggers: a multimodal approach to the deprofessionalization’s analysis
The article analyses the identity management practices of beauty-bloggers who on YouTube. The authors relies on the theory of deprofessionalization and show how bloggers gain the symbolic power and authority, which professionals previously had. Exploring the forms and methods of Internet communication the authors reveal the latent common identity management practices questioning the authority of professionals, and creating new managed space.