2015-09-01 16:32:56
Hannibal Rome vs Carthage was published in 1996 by Valley Games. It was designed by Mark Simonitch. ...
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Hannibal Rome vs Carthage was published in 1996 by Valley Games. It was designed by Mark Simonitch. The illustrations were done by Joe Amoral, Mike Doyle, Rick Gondeck, Kurt Miller, and Mark Simonitch. Game Components 22″ x 32″ Map; Rules Booklet; 3 Sheets of die-cut playing pieces: 86 Political Markers; 66 Combat Units; 14 Generals; […]
2015-08-30 18:29:41
Imperial was published in 2006 by Rio Grande Games, the company that brought us Bohnanaza, Puerto ...
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Imperial was published in 2006 by Rio Grande Games, the company that brought us Bohnanaza, Puerto Rico, and Carcassonne. The game was designed by Mac Gerdts, a German board game designer known for designing the Rondel series, which Imperial is a part of. The illustrations were done by Matthias Catrein. Game Components Printed tiles: 1 […]
Many years and centuries people had a lot of wars and conflicts. History remembers all of this and nothing can change it. «Commands & Colors: Ancients» board game strategy by «GMT games» shows us the warfare from the ancient times of 3000 b.c. to the early medieval of 400 A.D. This game was designed by […]
Tribal Wars 2 - продолжение полюбившейся многими одноименной онлайн стратегии от компании InnoGames. Постройка королевства происходит в непростую эпоху средневековья.
Черный Корсар - бесплатная браузерная онлайн стратегия, действие которой разворачиваются в эпоху великих географических открытий в XVI веке. Приключения, романтика, экспедиции.