В Токио, Япония, открылся новый отель, укомплектованный в основном роботами и автоматами, которые ...
В Токио, Япония, открылся новый отель, укомплектованный в основном роботами и автоматами, которые ответственны за регистрацию и развлечения гостей. Для контроля и обслуживания роботов требуется всего 7 человек.
Стоимость двухместного номера в таком отеле стартует от 14 000 иен (122 доллара).
WASHINGTON (Kyodo) The US Trumppa administration announced on Wednesday that it will post a total of $ 4.1 billion (about 465 billion yen) in the 2017 and 18 fiscal year budget as part of the cost of building a wall at the Mexican border. He also announced that it would greatly reduce the budget of […]
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【Los Angeles co-operation】 In response to a new presidential decree of the Trump regime which regulates entry of US from six Islamic countries, the Honolulu District Court ordered temporary injunction provisional inquiries sought by Hawaii State on 15th. The administration had given a certain degree of deregulation based on the failure of the former presidential […]
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... all your High
purchases Many prominent ...
Shoppingwith iGraal Save on all your High Tech purchases Many prominent figures, companies and government entities were targeted this Wednesday morning in a tense diplomatic context between Turkey and several European capitals. A large-scale piracy operation is being carried out on Twitter on Wednesday, presumably by Supporters of Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The accounts of many […]
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On Wednesday morning, several Twitter accounts of various personalities and institutions were pirated, displaying messages of propaganda in Turkish language. The Twitter account gathering the ministries of Bercy (Economy, Finance) thus posted this message, around 7:35: “Germany and Holland Nazies. A little Ottoman slap for you. We’ll meet again on April 16th. Learn Turkish to […]
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