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Тэг «tramp»

Главные темы

Trump: ‘We should just cancel the election’ and declare me the winner

   2016-10-28 19:00:25

JUST WATCHEDTrump: Cancel the election and declare me the winnerReplayMore Videos …MUST ...
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Тэги: 'we, cancel, declare, election', hot, just, news, politics, should, trump:, winner

#ObamacareInThreeWords spikes along with premiums

   2016-10-26 15:00:28

Skip AdAd Loading…x Embed x Share Suddenly armed with fresh political ammunition, Donald ...
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Тэги: #obamacareinthreewords, act, affordable, care, cruz, donald, hot, news, obama, ted, trends, trump, twitter

New poll shows Clinton over Trump by double-digits

   2016-10-24 09:00:25

JUST WATCHEDNew poll: Clinton leading Trump by double-digitsReplayMore Videos …MUST WATCH ( ...
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Тэги: clinton, donald, hillary, hot, leads, news, politics, poll:, presidential, trump

'All of these liars will be sued': Trump on claims of sexual misconduct

   2016-10-23 07:00:16

Skip AdAd Loading…x Embed x Share Rachel McKinney of Shippensburg, Pa. shares her reasons ...
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Тэги: hot, news, trump

At dinner together, Trump gets boos; Clinton less so

   2016-10-21 23:00:31

Skip AdAd Loading…x Embed x Share After earning hearty laughs for many of his early jokes ...
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Тэги: catholic, clinton, dinner, donald, hillary, hot, news, smith, trump

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