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Тэг «triumph»

Главные темы

White House: Trump does not want to traditional press dinner

   2017-02-26 11:00:18

White House Trump does not want to traditional press dinner The dinner of the correspondents in ...
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Тэги: abroad, donald, hot, news, politics, trump

“イ バ ン カ purchase” appeal, the President Counsel condemned

   2017-02-11 01:00:19

Conway (AP)                                                                [New York: Yuushi Yu] ...
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Тэги: arika, conway, hiroshi, hot, ivanka, news, trump

Donald Trump and Theresa May at the White House: what to remember

   2017-01-28 07:00:17

The British Prime Minister was the first leader to be received by the US president in the White ...
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Тэги: donald, hot, international, may, news, theresa, trump

Mexican President, with the President, telephone talks

   2017-01-28 07:00:17

According to Reuters, President Trump of the United States and Mr. Penyaniet of Mexico met on the ...
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Тэги: hot, news, penanya, reuters, trump

Mexican transit wall, Presidential decree … US newspaper reports

   2017-01-25 17:00:18

WASHINGTON – Yokohori Yokoya – US President George Washington Post (electronic ...
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Тэги: hot, news, post, trump, washington, yokoyori, yuya

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