Ukrainian women are extremely popular in countries with high living standards. Do foreign brides have all the conditions for successful living, but every man wants to close was not just a beauty, but also tolerant, sensitive, gentle wife, who will care for him as a child, love and devotion to store. Our women are famous for all the above qualities.
Equally attractive Ukrainian women were not always so. It acquired the quality that speaks to the talent of Ukrainian women in contrast to the Ukrainian men who are not in demand by foreigners. In the XVI-XVII centuries foreigners have noted that Muscovites - semi-wild, downtrodden, ignorant creatures who are able to sing in chorus and melodic like a primitive dance. They abused the makeup like a handful of flour poured on the face, at feasts hourly dressed in rich costumes, but the house was untidy. Then, with a Russian woman happened to transformation, although Ukrainian men were such with what nature intended them.

Here are my observations, which may be specified by each on personal experience. A Russian woman has no pants, and dress. In general, in the clothes of a Russian woman is covered in all that can be covered with. Foreign women are free to dress in baggy clothes such as free training pants, in which a man taking out the trash, but a Russian woman should wear tight-fitting suit as a frogman. However, it is desirable to expose the stomach. Another Russian woman loves heels, blouses buttoned skirt with a slit from behind, as well as jewelry, even unimaginable weight. Thus, a Russian woman is different from zilopodobnyh feminists emphasized sex appeal and elegance. In the wake zamordovannyh Aliens mortified emancipation instincts, they are struck down and surrender.

What are we so different from the fair sex, living in more affluent countries, foreigners are willing to spend a lot of money just to marry a Russian girl?Some of them come several times a stubborn desire to achieve his goal.The general view of Western men: Ukrainian women are kind, caring, business, and they are good wives. Women in the West, according to obschemuzhskoy point of view, too materialistic, demanding and spoiled. To some extent this is true. Ukrainian women look better, tidier and more elegant dress (and we did not know!), Seem to be more kind and "home."We can not say that in the West are no beautiful women. Yes, and quite a few. But what distinguishes our women - a desire to "please". Our women are feminine. They heat the sea and charm.Western women are pretty, smiling and very friendly, but they are "cold." Growing up in a prosperous society, they are too independent and self-sufficient. They are firmly aware of their rights and above all that they do not have to endure the inconvenience. The first question they ask themselves if there are any, even the smallest of differences: "Why do I need this?" They are not accustomed to "compromise principles." What a beautiful woman, the more she is confident in his undisputed right to receive the best in life - a handsome, athletic, intelligent and educated man, a high material security and relentless self-care. Western woman knows his own value and its appeal. In the West, men still care for women and not vice versa!Ukrainka - good wives.
Ukrainian, and especially a woman has an amazing ability to adapt. Nowhere, except in the Ukraine, could not be born saying, "Man is not the dog get used to anything."In the situation that for any normal Westerner is absolutely intolerable that our people feel like a fish in water. We are not like peas, half-meter probes can shove in a mattress, and nothing will adapt itself and to sleep. It is even possible without a mattress.In family life, this translates into the ability of unlimited tolerance. Russian woman will not notice any infringement of its interests, where a normal woman from the West would have slammed the door after a heated argument. And it's not spoiled or ill-natured - just Western woman does not have the psychic mobility, which allows you to be in this situation without losing the integrity of his own "self."

For Russian women compromise - a way of life. If violence is unavoidable - relax and enjoy.That's the whole secret. We are no better. We do not kinder. We are simply more tolerant. Our personal rating scale of values has more divisions, and where their western thermometer "rolls over" our continuing to work successfully. Generally it is a great thing - the ability to accept reality and people as they are.
And more .... For Western women housewives position in the rank somewhere at our janitor. She is able to feel happy, just reaching certain professional peaks. In principle, it is something to fight for - high professional position provides a high standard of living.
But there is another question - Why we love aliens?