Cтатья нашего креативного директора о создании вдохновляющей рекламы вдохновила блог Promodo на ее ...
Cтатья нашего креативного директора о создании вдохновляющей рекламы вдохновила блог Promodo на ее перевод. Теперь наша четкая, ясная, логически и математически выверенная формула успеха доступна и на английском.
«…If film producers at Hollywood knew a winning formula, we wouldn’t witness so many failures. Marketers also work in creative field which aimed at business result. We don’t have mathematics, formulas or patterns, but…».
Ролик Beeline Tricky Dog в тройке лидеров в категории "Самые инновационные рекламные работы ...
Ролик Beeline Tricky Dog в тройке лидеров в категории "Самые инновационные рекламные работы российских агентств в 2013 году".
On November 2, 2013, Seth Smith hit publish on an article entitled Marriage Isn’t For You. Within a ...
On November 2, 2013, Seth Smith hit publish on an article entitled Marriage Isn’t For You. Within a few hours, his self-hosted WordPress site couldn’t handle the tens of thousands of visitors reading the post. He moved his article and then his entire site over to WordPress.com, where the WordPress.com team did some …
Now that November’s NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) is a fond memory and your blogging ...
Now that November’s NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) is a fond memory and your blogging habit is firmly entrenched, it’s time to take a peek back at November by the numbers on WordPress.com. Posts that grabbed your attention In November, you wrote nearly 36 million posts and over 245 million …