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Jihadist channel of Cannes-Torcy: up to 28 years of imprisonment 2017-06-23 11:00:29
They were suspected of being involved in several abortive attacks, departures in Syria and ...
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They were suspected of being involved in several abortive attacks, departures in Syria and robberies. The trial lasted 53 days, judging twenty accused, including three absent, aged 23 to 33 years. 80 witnesses came to the bar, fourteen experts. The trial of the jihadist newspaper known as Cannes-Torcy closed on Thursday, late in the evening. […]
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Тэги: cannes-torcy, facts, hot, news, terrorism, various
Paris: Léonard, Valérie Trierweiler’s son, tested positive for cocaine on his scooter 2017-06-10 23:00:27
Valérie Trierweiler’s son was checked positive for drugs during a road test in Paris. The ...
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Valérie Trierweiler’s son was checked positive for drugs during a road test in Paris. The son of Valérie Trierweiler, the former companion of the former head of state, was arrested this Saturday morning at 7 o’clock while he was scooter alley of the Marguerite, near the Porte d’Auteuil (XVIth ). “He was rolling with headphones.” […]
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Тэги: custody, facts, hot, leonard, news, police, trierweiler, various
Parliamentary assistants of the MoDem: the Paris prosecutor’s office opens a preliminary investigation 2017-06-10 01:00:17
The investigation for “breach of trust and concealment of this offense” was entrusted ...
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The investigation for “breach of trust and concealment of this offense” was entrusted to the anti-corruption office of the judicial police. The Paris public prosecutor said on Friday that a preliminary investigation was opened after a former MoDem employee had been reported to the court on the reality of his job as parliamentary assistant to […]
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Тэги: assistants, facts, hot, modem, news, parliamentary, various
Пошумим, блядь! 2017-06-07 14:48:36
Пошумим, блядь! — фирменная фраза ведущего Versus Battle Ресторатора. С популярностью проекта ...
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Пошумим, блядь! — фирменная фраза ведущего Versus Battle Ресторатора. С популярностью проекта быстро ушла в народ и стала мемом. Происхождение Versus Battle — интернет-шоу, в котором рэперы соревнуются между собой, читая панчи и оскорбляя друг друга. Аналог зарубежных проектов Don’t Flop и KOTD. Создатель и ведущий «Версуса» — Александр «Ресторатор» Тимарцев. Первый выпуск проекта вышел 1
Тэги: 2013, battle, versus, музыка, ресторатор, рэп, сленг
Дмитрий Маликов (Тяжеловато) 2017-06-07 13:38:36
Тяжеловато — фраза из твиттера Дмитрия Маликова, которая стала мемом и сделала эстрадного ...
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Тяжеловато — фраза из твиттера Дмитрия Маликова, которая стала мемом и сделала эстрадного артиста героем молодёжи. Происхождение В 2015 году Дмитрий Маликов, звезда эстрады 1990-х, начал активно писать в твиттер. В отличие от многих знаменитостей, делал он это сам, и судя по его твитам, с чувством юмора у 45-летнего на тот момент певца всё было
Тэги: 2015, battle, versus, дмитрий, маликов, персоны, соцсети, тяжеловато
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