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Тэг «whitera»

Главные темы

Bayern to Berlin: severe weather damage

   2017-08-19 23:00:20

Bavaria to Berlin Severe weather damage is caused by severe weather Famous festivals, restricted ...
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Тэги: bavaria, hot, news, panorama, weather

Thunderstorms: 23 departments in vigilance orange

   2017-08-01 19:00:20

After a lull in the late morning and midday, storm activity will resume in the afternoon, says Mé ...
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Тэги: hot, news, orange, society, vigilance, weather

Violent storms: the savant calculation of Météo France to declare the vigilance orange

   2017-07-19 07:00:15

By improving its forecasts and observations, Météo France has succeeded in reducing the number of ...
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Тэги: france, hot, news, weather

Thunderstorms: seven départements in orange vigilance of the Alps in the Jura

   2017-07-11 03:00:22

The stormy front moved to the eastern part of the country, from the Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes region ...
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Тэги: france, hot, nature, news, thunderstorms, weather

Canicule: more than thirteen departments in orange alert, the climate is softening

   2017-06-23 17:00:15

If the heat wave strikes less the whole territory, it will still be very hot in the south of ...
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Тэги: canicule, france, hot, nature, news, weather

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