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Блограйдер fiweru
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Последний добавленный блог (все добавленные):
Взять Кредит ВЫГОДНО! (Узнайте как взять кредит на выгодных условиях!)
Последний добавленный комментарий (все добавленные):
«After departure Andrey silently worked with a pole, mister Li Wang Wei, also silently, looked at fast water, then has turned back to Andrey: — China speaks: "The running water casts thoughts about remote". — Water has salvaged us кредит под залог квартиры. — Andrey with a force has leaned on a pole, taking away салик from the wet stone which has flashed among low frequent waves. — Well, it is easier for that to speak about it. — Why to us to speak about it? — Then, why we spoke about "Earth" and "Wind". "Water" — the third of basic conditions of the soldier. — Willows than its sense? — Andrey a pole has taken away a raft from a new stone. "Something they have become constant visitor взять кредит". — The main sense of "Water" — softness, or, in Chinese, "жоугун" — "soft work". As the drop gentle will pierce stone твердь, So softness wins against force … — … here and the soldier of "Water" acts. — And is more specific? — Andrey has asked, leaning on a pole stronger. — And is more specific, the soldier of "Water" treats the opponent approximately the same as the Russian woman who utikhomirivat the drunk and violent husband: comforts получить кредит, persuades, at the same time turning aside from his fists. — I would prefer to cut — Shinkarev has noticed. — Perhaps it is not necessary to beat at all. It is also the best victory. And if it is necessary — to hit that suddenly, into a weak spot which the opponent himself will open, having given in to softness of "Water". For example, when you stand under a sight — whether onions, the gun, is unique tactics. "To yield in one, to win in another" — here the rule of the soldier of "Water". Or, in Chinese, "цзяюшуй оформить кредит" — simply speaking, "to confuse the issue". Than we will also be engaged when … — Take care!!! In the coming twilight Andrey too late has noticed to "shiver" — the threshold hidden under water over which the elastic and foamy wave was curved. The bump was heard, the crash, one edge of a raft was highly lifted up, the second with splash has spread in water онлайн кредит. The hard stream has gushed over through a raft, forcing down people. The Chinese, having dodged as a cat, one hand I have seized a rope, another has instantly grabbed the tyuchok and then only began to be inspected. "Cheerful it is not enough" — Shinkarev has thought, having assessed a situation. Water dragged the balsa on a stone, tilting it more and more, the axe has drowned, has carried away one pole. Andrey has jumped off in water (it became warmer not) and, making a start from ground stones, has tried to adjust by swimming the balsa to the coast. Having hesitated for a time, the Chinese has undressed too and, holding the tyuchok, has joined Andrey. The river gradually became shallow кредит под залог квартиры, but the current amplified, high foamy waves flew up between frequent stones. Ahead deaf noise was heard. Falls, perhaps, or big threshold. That and another is bad …» к блогу «Взять Кредит ВЫГОДНО!»


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